In this edition of Drunk Ex-Pastors, Jason and Christian enjoy their first taste of sponsorship, and love it. (Probably because it tastes like Whiskey.) Christian recounts how his family’s recent vacation to Hawaii caused some problems for his daughter at school which opens up a discussion about education in general and how to keep their kids from becoming mindless drones. A listener’s message moves the conversation from education in general to sex education, which causes some disagreement between Jason and Christian. Perhaps it’s because Jason doesn’t have all the years of parenting experience that Christian has, or perhaps it’s because Christian’s years of parenting experience have caused him to become jaded. You’ll have to decide. After a short unintentional rant against Capitalism, they end with an homage to Entourage.
As a Senior in High School, I think that whether children get sex education in Jr. High or not does not affect if they will have sex before or in High School. I had a close friend in Jr. High who had an abortion the summer before our freshmen year so I definitely think that it is a bigger problem than most know, because although I am not against sex before marriage or abortion, I personally saw and continue to see how it affects her as she copes with the decision she made to end that like when she hardly had one herself. On the opposite I have another friend who was homeschooled, never had sex ed, and dated the pastors son yet lost her virginity shortly after her 15th birthday. So yes, kids are having sex in Jr. High and no, sex Ed has makes no difference in that.
The stats I found after our conversation were along the lines of 12-14% of junior highers were sexually active, meaning intercourse.
Jason, you seemed really presbyterian and rather defensive during this podcast (I get it, it takes a while for all the Reformedom to get out of the system after drinking from that tap for such a long time)…I remember the sex ed I got in 6th grade being really boring, and I was way to scared to have sex, because I just intuitively knew that sex seemed like such a big thing and I wasn’t ready for it, nor did I think any girl would want to with me at the time. I think I would’ve like to hear a bit more about why sex and orgasms are awesome, especially in light of the Church’s impotence (he he) to honestly engage these issues with an open mind. God loves sex and most Christians are defensive and dismissive about it, seems like there is something missing here…