In this episode of Drunk Ex-Pastors, Jason and Christian get an effin awesome voicemail. Jason’s soul-sucking existence is exemplified in a deal on a $3800 gold Chrysler and Christian is devastated and losing sleep over a lost star in an iTunes review. The ex-pastors spontaneously take live questions from Facebook which start with why Mike Seaver is trying to save Christmas and eventually lead to Jason serenading Christian with the theme from the TV show Alice. After re-hashing the weed topic (get it!?) they examine whether or not your energy drink is trying to turn you into a Satanist. This leads to a conversation about whether or not Christians have delusions of grandeur and if those delusions are proof that they’re not actually delusions at all. It’s a bit philosophical…for drunks…and ex-pastors. Christian then explains why biebers are biebering him and Jason is biebered by technology…again.
Here is the YouTube video discussing Monster Energy drinks: Special thanks to Twitter user @rdouble0100 for sending us the video!
Chelsea Noble never posed in Playboy, but Kirk Cameron allegedly had an actress fired from Growing Pains because she had posed in Playboy a few years before,
One thing the Catholic church says is that non-Christian religions aren’t praying to another God, since there is only one God; Allah is just the Arabic word for God, it is not a different God. What the Catholic Church does say is that the Catholic (and Orthodox Church) have the benefit of the fullness of God’s truth. If you believe in one part of the Trinity you are missing a big part of the truth but you would be heading in the right direction. Regarding what Jason said that the supernatural stories of religion are very similar it is true, but what sets Christianity apart is the belief in the incarnation. Muslims don’t believe Mohammed was God, he was a prophet who died a natural death, and his resting place can be visited. The Buddha was the first man to reach enlightenment, and they believe Jesus also reach enlightenment.
Also, here is a video from Fr. Albacete (who recently died) on death, which he states in his own way Christian may have a chance in Heaven, Jason not so much 😉
Irony Fever: Catch It!
To quote Woody Allen quoting Groucho Marx quoting Kant quoting Milton Berle, “I don’t want to belong to any heaven that would have me as a member.”
Well, I thought it was funny.
I did too! We need a “like” button. Ha.