We begin this episode with a voicemail from a caller whose taste in movies is shallow enough to become bored the minute the explosions stop, and we then discuss whether parents should bring their small children on planes or just leave them in the car for the rest of our sake. We discuss all the rape in Game of Thrones, and then we turn our attention to what draws otherwise normal people to evangelicalism. We revisit the Dave Chappelle “controversy,” and biebers involve verification codes and getting tricked on Instagram. … [Read more...]
Podcast #370: Our Most Significant Years. Also Transphobia.
This episode of DXP begins with a caller telling us about his newfound love of Screwball. Christian gets mocked for his spoiler-alert fail, and then we are asked a question about grammar. We share which three calendar years have been most significant in our lives, and why, and then spent some time discussing Dave Chappelle’s recent special, “The Closer,” addressing the claims that he is transphobic. Biebers involve reacting to texts and obliviots in restaurants. … [Read more...]
Podcast #369: Boobs, Christian Twitter, and Antidepressants
We kick off this episode of Drunk Ex-Pastors with a couple voicemails, one from a dude who’s high as shit, and the other from a woman about boobs. We hear from some people on Wacky Christian Twitter, and then revisit (one final time) the issue of anti-depressants, trying desperately to make ourselves clear (but apparently those anti-depressants are useless for helping people with their comprehension skills). We speak briefly about death, and then share biebers involving annoying tech questions and digital fire. … [Read more...]
Podcast #368: Blue Pills, Bad Grammar, and What Happens When We Die
In this episode of DXP we hear from a caller who raises the question of whether too much knowledge is actually a bad thing, and if taking the “blue pill” of ignorance is truly bliss. Another caller asks about what it means for our bodies to be the temple of the Holy Spirit, and then we explore the idea that correcting people’s grammar is nothing more than douchebag colonialism. We play a clip from philosopher Alan Watts about what happens when we die, and then share biebers involving virtual keyboards and Post-It Note etiquette. … [Read more...]
Podcast #367: Near-Sightedness, Boobs, and Existential Crises
In this episode of DXP we ponder the mysterious dilemma of whether looking at a nearby reflection of something far away has any effect on a person’s near-or far-sightedness (our conclusion is that we guess we’ll never know). We touch on (ahem) whether women realize it when their boobs brush up against us, and then get some (misdirected) pushback from our prior discussion of antidepressants and mental illness. We discuss existential crises, and then share biebers involving phone calls. … [Read more...]
Podcast #366: Depression, Ivermectin, and How Much to Hate America
We begin this episode by giving the phrase “getting burnt” a whole new—and disturbing—meaning. We respond to a caller’s questions about depression and its causes and cures, and then address the latest controversy about Ivermectin as a possible treatment for COVID. We disagree about whether leftists hate America too much, and then share biebers involving cotton balls and phone calls. … [Read more...]
Podcast #365: Climate Apocalypse, 9/11, and Political Partisanship
We begin this episode of Drunk Ex-Pastors with a simple question about murder which then spirals into a depressing diatribe about the end of the world. We touch upon the new documentary about 9/11 on Apple TV+ and then briefly discuss Green Lights, Matthew McConaughey’s new memoir (he’s not quite as stupid as you’d think). We hear from Jason’s attorney about political sectarianism and segue into what it’s like to talk to a Trump supporter at a party. Biebers involve produce bags and failing at discretion. … [Read more...]
Podcast #364: Drugs, Capitalism, and the Movies that Made Us
We begin this episode with a voice mail from a congratulatory caller, after which we hear from another listener with some interesting theories about coffee and capitalism. We discuss the kinds of drugs good parents take, and then turn our attention to the Netflix docuseries, “The Movies that Made Us,” spring-boarding into a discussion of our favorite decades for movies, music, and TV. Biebers involve account numbers and digital stuff trying to be analog. … [Read more...]
Podcast #363: Debt Collectors, Bible Porn, and the Great Resignation
We begin this episode of DXP by introducing a debt collector who absolutely needs his own reality show. We hear from a caller with questions about the “Great Resignation,” the realization on the part of so many that the pre-COVID rat race has lost most of its appeal (she also wanted us to talk about softcore Bible porn). We hear an interesting take from a listener concerning the idea that there actually are no men’s sports teams, and then share biebers about bathrooms. … [Read more...]
Podcast #362: Death by COVID, Anti-Vaxxers, and Performative Politics
This episode of DXP boasts perhaps the funniest and most poignant first half we have ever forgotten to record. But the second half (which is now the whole thing) was also pretty good. We discuss the death of a high school friend from COVID and whether Americans are beginning to soften their anti-vax position (shockingly, the positive one of us thinks yes, the other one remains unconvinced). We briefly talk about climate change and performative activism, and then share biebers involving crosswalks and bad seventeenth-century grammar. … [Read more...]
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