This episode of Drunk Ex-Pastors begins with our talking about what we’re not going to talk about, which is all the depressing crap going on in the world (so instead we discuss other, equally depressing, topics happening right here at home). We take a call about the implications of recovering from brain damage to the issue of whether we have a mind and a soul, and then segue into the topic of which TV shows and movies we like to watch with our kids. After a brief story from Christian about several near-deaths at Danny DeVito’s house and a few moments mocking Pokémon Go, Jason launches into his “Livin’ Lodge” and “Dick Move, God” segments (the latter of which demonstrates the lengths to which God will go to defend traditional marriage). Christian is biebered by Hollywood’s laziness, while Jason’s bieber causes him to call into question his own originality. If people need best shop for trading card games, they can check out the site here, which has a variety of games.
Also, can we get you some Pine Sol with your lemonade.
I too had a curmudgeonly initial reaction to Pokemon Go. Then I downloaded it. Then my wife downloaded it. In the last week, we’ve gone to our local park and taken an evening walk with our three year old several times. We play the game passively, catching Pokemon when they appear, but we spend most of the time talking to each other and playing with our daughter. We’ve also met several very friendly people who were at the park playing as well, and we’ve never seen this particular park busier. I think it’s great.
• Well, now we’ve got Baton Rouge. More police killed by a lunatic embracing fringe beliefs with easy access to guns.
• On the bright side, Climate Change will probably drive the human race to extinction and clear the field for the next critter to evolve intelligence and hopefully not be utter assholes.
• Okay, it’s not a bright side… it’s also utterly depressing.
• Fuck this shit.
• When I broke up with my future wife, I was pretty much crushed and heartbroken for about six months. We had been dating for four years at that time. Then we were broken up for about four years. Then we skipped dating and went straight to engagement, got married, and are coming up on our 13th anniversary.
• Love is weird.
• Sympathies and best wishes that you all find happiness.
• We’re made of meat. Meat is required to house or generate the soul and when the meat shell is damaged, the soul ceases to function or exist as it did.
• Armageddon. No… just… no. The Rock, I could see revisiting. Or Con Air, which is in the running for the best worst movie ever. Or Face Off…. Dude… you have to rewatch Face Off.
• All I remember about the Brady Bunch is the Hawaiian episode with the cursed idol.
• And the Snicker’s commercial.
• The Brady Bunch would have been much better with angry Danny Trejo with a knife.
• Actually… EVERY sitcom would be better with angry Danny Trejo with a knife.
• Zootopia was awesome. I loved that movie. It’s a great message about racism.
• James Cromwell. That’s his name.
• I just downloaded Pokemon Go. I’m going to use it to get my kids out of the house at night and walking.
• There are geocaching websites that have descriptions of where stuff is hidden. You find a box or something and trade ink stamp marks. It’s an incentive to get up and get out into the world. We do it sometimes when we go camping.
• We also hunt for state historical landmarks.
• I am a very boring person.
• If a beer company ever has need of the Least Interesting Man in the world, I think I might qualify.
• No, I shave with a Bowie knife… as men do.
• Customers are the worst.
• God came to Abimelech in a dream and told him that He was going to kill him for marrying another man’s wife.
• God was only cool with polygamy when it was one dude, lots of wives. One woman, lots of husbands, that shit was right out in God’s eyes.
• Or… more likely, in the eyes of the guys who put Genesis together.
• Abraham profited out of the deal. He got slaves and animals and money.
• I’m wondering if that was a scam that Abraham pulled. Since he also did it when he was living in Egypt and got a bunch of stuff from Pharaoh too.
• Like now I’m thinking of Abram creeping up to the king’s bedroom window and pretending to be God, convincing them to give Sarah back with a ton of goods or else.
• There is nothing new under the sun. What has been will be again.
• Senility is fun!
• Senility is fun!
• Anyway, what was I saying?
• Senility is fun!
Thanks for the transparancy this episode. I know it’s hard…as someone who has also loved and lost…know it does get better. Thanks for adding a little humor along with eschatology to my work day!
I can’t do six months of this, Chris! Cool story though. 🙂
I’ve had the same experience. The second day of the craze I realized that my 8 year old is totally into geocaching but has already located all the caches in our neighborhood, on the campus where I work, etc. so I downloaded it for her and she loves it. And she wants to walk everywhere with me because of it. 🙂
If you just want to feel numb right now I recommend listening to worship songs. I don’t know about you, but at the first chord, worship songs turn my emotions off like a faucet. Start with “Lord I life your name on high.” It’s the most effective in my experience.
Somehow I suspect we’re not helping? 🙁
Jason and Christian,
Check out this link and tell me what you think
I know we have beat this topic to death, but I’ve never heard the argument given by this author. I think its very good and wanted yalls response
I think what you guys are missing is how AWESOME it is that Nintendo is getting involved in app gaming. The tech involved in pokemon go is impressive and with the Wii having so many games that can easily mix with the app store I think the future of gaming is looking bright.
*In my best Jimmy Kimmel voice*
Thank you…. Russian hackers…. For showing us how crazy corrupt the DNC primaries are….. And also proving that Hillary isn’t the only Democrat that doesn’t understand email security.
Thank you…. Wikileaks…. For proving that NBC, MSNBC, and politico get their media coverage approved by the DNC before publishing….. Can’t wait to show every college professor who insisted there was no liberal bias in the media
Thank you…. Internet….. For showing how crazy bigoted democrats actually are referring to Bernie as an atheist jew…. I’ll remember that next time someone tells me about leftist tolerance
Ah yes, all democrats are exactly like that. I myself refer to Bernie as an atheist Jew every chance I get. Except not.
Trump’s comments today encouraging the Russian hacker to commit further crimes seems a tad bit… hmm, what’s the word? Treasonous? Let’s settle on “piss-poor foreign policy.” I think that covers it.
Lol you will find (as I did to my dismay in the primaries) that Trump gets graded on a curve because he isn’t a politician. He even gets dumbed down softball questions I’m debate. Its an enormous and infuriating advantage.
But how much of the general electorate will accept his seemingly dangerous approach to a number of these foreign policy issues? I think what flies during the primaries when you’re generally talking to your peeps doesn’t necessarily fly in the general election when you’re trying to convince independent and undecided voters to become your peeps. And in that case the debates are important, but dumb or dangerous stuff you say in press conferences and unscripted speeches is arguably more important.
But I am painfully aware of the double standards. I still remember how not that long ago many Republicans were running around yelling about how Michelle Obama, with her Princeton/Harvard education and impeccable wardrobe, wasn’t “classy” enough to be first lady, and now they’re slobbering all over Melania Trump who… well… just do a Google image search.