This episode of Drunk Ex-Pastors begins with a couple aborted attempts by a listener at leaving us a voicemail, after which we do a shot of something so vile that one of the DXPs almost defiles a wastebasket. We take another call that confirms the fears of virtually all anti-pot people (the dude was “on a mountain” in more ways than one). Jason is challenged on his cavalier attitude toward a possible Trump presidency, and the subject of male birth control is debated: Is the resistance to it among men due to their simply being weaker than women? The conversation takes many turns, any of which will possibly piss off hundreds of people. We take another call about whether the practice of rating women on a scale from 1 – 10 contributes to rape culture, but the call wasn’t even from a hot chick so we pay it as little attention as possible. Our “Dick Move, God” segment makes its triumphant return, focusing on sliced up wieners and the price a man pays for rape (50 shekels, which is pretty darn steep is you ask us). Christian is biebered by what happens after a man pees in a public restroom, while Jason’s bieber concerns (gasp!) the parking of cars.
Also, can a white woman get diarrhea on TV for once, please?
Chris Fisher
• “I just swallowed too much at once…” that’s what she said.
• I’m kind of looking forward to legalization here. I’ll probably give it a try. Never done it before.
• That’s funny. Maybe it’s because I knew you guys in person once upon a time, but I can differentiate your voices pretty easily.
• Won’t it be great to not talk about Trump anymore?
• Alternatively, won’t it be great to talk all the time about Great Man, Glorious Leader, Supreme Commander Premier Donald Trump, our once and future King?
• A president can do a lot of damage to his enemies with the infrastructure of government. Especially since we found out that it appears some of the FBI are rabid Trump supporters who get their leads from Breitbart editors. Nixon had an enemies list and used Federal agencies to attack his opponents.
• Well, it could be the blogs, the pastors, the radio programs, and the TV spewing a non-stop stream of false propaganda for decades now telling them that things are getting worse, things are going to get worse, Christians will be persecuted, gay marriage will destroy us, the government will come for your gunz, Communism is coming, it’s just all nonsense, and yet, throughout this election, I see people who have been completely bamboozled by it. They are so invested in this alternate reality they’ve created for themselves to challenge it is to challenge something fundamental about them.
• But, aside from that, there is a great deal of racial resentment. People see blacks protesting and rioting and equate BLM with terrorists, and cheer on cops who shoot black men.
• And also, globalization hasn’t been good for everyone. A shift away from coal towards renewable energy hasn’t been good for everyone. And the Democratic party rather than completely dismissing working white men should take heed and work on jobs programs, on being more reluctant to get into more free trade deals.
• Jill Stein is horrible. She’s an anti-vaxxer.
• Men aren’t adapted to have kids, so it wouldn’t surprise me that we can’t handle childbirth pains.
• Going to war doesn’t make men strong, it makes us stupid.
• Well, you can volunteer to go to prison apparently:
• I can tell you that a vasectomy wasn’t that painful after the initial anesthesia shot. And they don’t slice open my scrotum. The doc made an incredibly tiny incision and did what he needed to do.
• The worst part of it was having a very attractive young nurse come in to finish prepping the area.
• Go look at vintage advertising, Jason. It’s fucking horrible towards women and minorities. I think just ignore the white guy diarrhea commercials.
• Devil’s advocate: rating women on a numerical scale based on their bodies objectifies them and implies that her value or her worth is based solely on how much you want to have sex with her.
• I think if things don’t change on FB after tomorrow, I will be purging my friend’s list.
• Well, Florida is voting again, so those assclowns could keep us in suspense for the next month… again.
Kenneth Winsmann
Hey Christian! About that tattoo….. told ya so 😉
You were nervous though?
Kenneth Winsmann
Hell yeah!!!! Lmao
Christian Kingery
Glad I didn’t agree to anything on my side! 🙂
Kenneth Winsmann
I would have given you a mulligan. This was insane. Do you think it was a “movement” or people just voting against Hillary and 4 more years of Obama? I’m inclined to believe in the latter
Christian Kingery
I don’t know how to explain it. Part of me wonders if it was just an anti-establishment movement, which brings of the question of what would have happened if it had been Bernie vs. Trump.
Kenneth Winsmann
I’m tempted to say Bernie would have won. He certainly would have taken the fight to Trump. But outside of millennial sand hippie boys most people arent quite ready for socialism in America. Cruz and sanders would have been perfect. Now let’s all hold our breath and hope Trump becomes a yes man and let’s Paul Ryan run the nation
rain man much?
Can you guys now stop “political” talk so I can start listening again?
Tim Harris
To question how to tell them apart (15:45). The one that sounds like a jew or fag (though apparently neither) is Christian. The one that sounds like a vanilla presbyterian is Jason.