In this episode of Drunk Ex-Pastors, Jason and Christian celebrate their success in iTunes with a new bottle of Scotch, which naturally leads to a discussion about Dwarves tasting Orc blood. After a quick update on Jason’s success as a car salesman, an offer for a free Drunk Ex-Pastors shot glass, and an analysis of a one star iTunes review, they address some negative statements made about Christian by a Calvary Chapel pastor who would like to remain anonymous. Of course, Jason and Christian won’t let that happen. They then attempt to catch up on voicemails and discuss a variety of topics, from whether or not Ruby Red Squirt and a hot dog bun can become the blood and body of Jesus Christ, to whether or not the Bible is misogynistic, and if science and faith can co-exist. Jason is biebered by poor toilet etiquette, and Christian is biebered by poor Bible-verse quoting etiquette.
Also, Christian doesn’t look like Pope Benedict.
Wait….Jason (the Catholic) believes that the Catholic church has the better position? Color me amazed!
Also, Texas is the south, in all manner of ways.
I would make a subtle dig that “sophisticated” people do not need to make digs at people who are not as sophisticated as themselves.
I agree to a degree with the toilet bieber, people who pee with the seat down, they should be shamed, and maybe destroyed. I mean how hard is it to raise the seat before spraying it.
What is Jason’s problem? Men cannot poop throughout the day, or men driving on a roadtrip have to hold it until they reach their destination? I say this because REAL men don’t stop to have a motel/hotel on a trip, but drive through. 😉
Christian, I have decided that I need to move near you, I would be a friend who would give you the full recognition of the unbalanced account of what you vs I spend on each other… =)
I completely agree (as Christian well knows) with the bieber of people who just throw scripture out without giving any dialogue.
Ha! You and Jason agree on the toilet seat needing to be up when you pee. He just thinks that in a men’s bathroom, it should always be up, and that people who poop should put it back up after they are done. See?
There are exceptions to every rule, but I stand by the principle: Poo at home, you dirty Philistine.
Shared the previous podcast on my FB, and I didn’t get a shot done in my honor! :/
Hi, Serena! There might be something in your privacy settings that keeps us from seeing that you shared it. So sorry! Message us on Facebook when you share and we’ll make sure you get a shout-out! 🙂
Jason, so do you ever leave your area, or stay the night away from your home? What then? I am wondering if you have fully thought out your philosophy. When Christian took you on one of the trips to Europe (See what I did there? ;-)), did you poop, or is a hotel room a surrogate for your home? I don’t like to, and try all at my disposal to avoid using the toilet on an airplane, but, depending on the flight, you could conceivably be 18+ hrs from home to the hotel. Help me Jason, I like that you are a clean well adjusted boy (well maybe not because you didn’t have your formative years with a nun cracking your knuckles with yard stick!), who know that the seat deserves to up, and hopefully that you put it up if it’s down to pee (unlike the animals who just pee on it – however my disgust is due to me not having your rule, and pooping out and about).
I look forward to hearing more on this view, and present you with a conundrum for it; I drive from my place to my brother’s down in SW FL annually at a minimum, with refueling and food stops, it takes about 22-24 hours. Is your position that one should be able to with hold pooping for 24 hrs straight while awake?
Good look to you two, the sophisticated one, and the miserable bitter one too! 😉
Hi, I’m the distinction between a “rule” and an “exception,” have we met?
Ha ha! Ouch.
Touche, I think I missed the first comment. I don’t like to engage outside of the home, but sometimes it’s necessary. Apologies, I should have listened better to the podcast and then I would have heard the not so subtle inference that you (and others of your ilk) are more sophisticated and stopped right there.
“poo at home”, says the guy who’s never worked a real job, where that is best place to hide.
For the better part of the last two decades I had the same “not real” job as you. . . .
I’m a liturgical pooper. If it doesn’t involve my own toilet, moist, flushable wipes, and Tetris on my phone, it’s an empty, meaningless ceremony.
Islay stuff is SO peaty…like drinkin’ bog water, lads! ‘Tis gorgeous…
P.S. The sound of the pour was highly arousing…almost as much as your liquid gold voices. Ha!
“Tastes like hope” still makes me LOL, C-dawg.
“AnonymousForAReason” in this case was me, Chad, trying to make a joke about pooping at work while also making a callback to someone else’s anonymous screen name. Two failed jokes!?!
Ha! After Jason replied, I wrote him and told him there was no way that was Ron!
Yeah, but sometimes you gotta throw caution to the wind if it means possibly making someone look stupid….