Episode #198 of Drunk Ex-Pastors begins with the opening of a listener’s gift (one guess what it contains), after which we offer our final comments (we promise) about the whole rocks-in-the-classroom idea. It’s not our fault, we swear—You people keep bringing it up. We hear a voicemail from a listener who is in distress about the state of his soul, which occasions a lengthy therapy session about the issue of crucifying the god who hates us. Biebers involve waist size and getting shot.
The thought process of realizing things don’t quite add up and then leading to the point where you actually let go is pretty scary. But I like Stephen Fry’s point on if he were confronted by God. God would have to beg his forgiveness for childhood cancer and all. Makes it a bit easier to let go.
On another note, just read this story about Lilith, Adam’s first wife before Eve? How Adam basically tried to rape her because she didn’t want to have sex with him? Supposedly from the Talmud or something. Anyway, something I read I thought would be fun for you guys to run with.