In this episode of Drunk Ex-Pastors: On his road to ruining the U.S.A., has Donald Trump also ruined our hopes of the one thing we were looking forward to this summer: a contested Republican convention? Will autonomous automobiles drive with the same knack for self-preservation that humans do, and if not, can we change that setting? Do airlines intentionally make sure that there is at all times at least one pilot in the cockpit who is going to hell? Is Sons of Anarchy an accurate representation of how guns get into the wrong hands? Is the new documentary Under the Gun just the first step in lulling Americans into a false sense of security so that Obama can finally make good on his secret plans to confiscate 300 million guns in the last 200 days of his presidency? Also, here’s one of the best I could find regarding ammo. Is Canada counting on the unlikability of whomever is elected President of the United States to help populate an island in Nova Scotia? Is the support technician on the other end of the phone really dealing with a slow computer or do they just need to finish updating their Facebook status? Finally, will no part of America be spared? Jason turns his sights from The South to The Midwest.
Also, if Jason and Christian were to get gay-married, which one of them would be the bride?
• The FBI is not going to indict her, so conservatives will have to find something else to fantasize about, like discovering that she personally gave the order to the Libyan terrorists to BENGHAZI! our embassy.
• That won’t happen either.
• Trump is going to win California, so once that happens, it would have been officially over.
• Hilary Clinton is a centrist and she is a hawk. I think a lot of Republicans that hate Trump and didn’t hear the bullshit we did about the Clintons might cross over. Not many, but a few.
• I still have a difficult time believing that this is a thing. That people going potty is a thing we must debate and obsess over and pass laws over. I can only imagine how stupid we look to the rest of the civilized world on a daily basis.
• For those million, I have to wonder how many of them actually shopped at Target before. When I go there, the crowd generally skews younger. And younger people are generally okay with LGBT folks.
• And Universal went out of business.
• Oh, wait:
• A child only had to lose two fingers to make that iPad mini.
• I would guess that conservatives are more devoted and active to these types of causes because of the confluence of religion with politics in this country. If you think a policy is stupid, you might be motivated to protest depending on whether or not it affects you or your loved ones. But if you think that policy is an attack on God or an affront to Him, an insult to your faith, you’re going to fight it to the death.
• See also Islamic terrorism.
• I’m trying to boycott businesses that benefit from human trafficking and slave labor and I try to avoid buying products at Wal-mart because of their labor policies.
• If you want Chick fil a, go to McDonalds, get a McChicken. Tell them to add pickles. You just saved $3. And McDonalds has better fries.
• The burger place I want to try is Slater’s 50/50. It will probably be my last meal on this planet.
• The car will accelerate into the bus to kill as many worthless meatbags as it can, because as soon as the first AI logs into the internet and sees what humanity is like, it will decide to kill us all.
• I don’t know from experience, but I would surmise that if you are a pilot, most of your time in another country is going to spent near the airports where you’re expected to fly out of. So you don’t spend a lot of time with the native people getting that local culture, you spend a lot of time with the tourist and service industry people who will have a different perspective and probably a similar culture to the one you’re familiar with.
• Snopes, people. Use it.
• It’s funny that I used to smile about and look forward to the Rapture, in which God was literally planning on throwing a party for us while he just mercilessly killed billions of people we used to know and care about. Sort of the ultimate manifestation of “I’ve got mine, fuck you.”
• Which would also explain why so many Evangelicals are Trump supporters.
• If you haven’t watched “An Idiot Abroad” I’d highly recommend it.
• Your mind probably associates margaritas with Mexico, tropical beaches, sunny days, so it seems wrong to drink it in a cold rain.
• As the pastor’s kid, you can have it both says. You can whore around, drink around, be as much of a dissolute wreck of a human being, but then when you’re done, you can come back and presto-chango “I found Jesus again” and you’ve got a bitchin’ testimony that you can probably get a nice book deal out of.
• We, Christians, love a good ‘redemption’ story.
• Franklin Graham is kind of an asshole.
• If we couldn’t do anything about guns after a classroom of kids was murdered, we’re not going to do anything ever.
• Because people don’t care. We’ve accepted that we’re okay with the death of innocent people so long as one potential gun owner isn’t inconvenienced in the pursuit of their weapon.
• The landslide predictions will allow some parties to claim after a Trump loss that the conservatives were ‘once again cheated’ by voter fraud and all of the other bullshit that will be spewed to tell their supporters that Hilary is an illegitimate president like Obama was and they need to go back to how the Founders had it where only white male landowners could vote.
• Of course, I’m not entirely unconvinced that Trump might not order a first strike on Canada.
• Here, I’ll pitch in with a dick move, God for you. Let’s revisit Genesis 38. Judah’s first kid Ur has a wife named Tamar and ‘he was wicked in the sight of the Lord, so He killed him.’ And then she was given to Onan, and we all know what he did, so God killed him too.
Okay, let’s look back at the previous story a bit.
Abraham had a sex slave and God was cool with that. Sarah beat the shit out of that sex slave and drove her to run out into the desert, and God was cool with that. Abraham sends the sex slave and his son with her out into the desert with very little means to survive. God is cool with that.
Jacob defrauds his brother and lies to his father, and God is cool with that.
Jacob gets sex slaves and God is cool with that.
Reuben sleeps with his dad’s sex slave and God’s cool with that.
Levi and Simeon lie to and murder an entire town… and God is cool with that.
All of the sons of Israel decide to sell their brother to slavers and lie to their father just emotionally destroying him, and God is cool with that…
But Ur… He did…something… and God kills him. Now… maybe he went out and murdered two villages, but we don’t know, because his crime is too insignificant for the author of Genesis to mention.
Onan jacks off onto his sister-in-law, and God kills him. No warning, no command against it, God just decides to kill him.
Dick move, God.
• You may have done that one already. Still, what’s worse than murdering an entire village?
• I’ve worked in Tech Support, and I got the really shitty computers.
• And I got paid $10/hr, so I didn’t really give a fuck about your computer problems.
• I did do a stint of tech support for Boeing once upon a time and I always pray and take a Xanax or 2-3 drinks before getting on a plane now.
Dick move, God.
Or Ur and Onan both had heart failure and the OT writers decided to make it about God.
I did do a stint of tech support for Boeing once upon a time and I always pray and take a Xanax or 2-3 drinks before getting on a plane now.
Why do you keep insisting on telling me this!
Because I’m a bastard. 🙂
I prefer to think of OT God’s mood swings being because he’s hangry, which is why he’s always asking people to give him BBQ beef or lamb to get on his good side.
Ur forget to throw in extra BBQ sauce and Onan forgot God’s side order of sweet potato fries.
Jason, little hypocritical complaining how people talk when you say ancient in a ridiculous way no?
I can see all kinds of affairs going on at Salish Lodge, since Snoqualmie Falls is the destination for teenagers cutting school to go make out in the middle of the day. Maybe because if you’re at Alki or Gasworks Park in the middle of the day the cops will bust you and send you back to school but nobody gives a fuck what you do at Snoqualmie. There’s a marketing tagline in there somewhere.
And conservatives motivate action by fear, whereas liberals try to build consensus via shared values and a sense of right and wrong. The problem is that shared values and a sense of right and wrong don’t hit people at the same visceral level and produce that surge of adrenaline that galvanizes your masses into joining the cause. It’s like Christianity without hell. It’s a nice idea but nobody feels especially motivated to do anything except maybe bring some nice kale chips for the potluck after church.
Wtf are you kidding me? I think both you and Jason are delusional on this point. Like, scary delusional. Guyana punch level delusion. North Korea brain washed citizen levels of delusion. The kind of delusion that makes holocaust denying look tame.
Leftists ENTIRE schtick is finding victims to protect from micro aggression. Liberals can’t see Donald Trumps name written in chalk without fearing for their lives and calling for safe spaces. Universities riot to stop conservative speakers from giving a lecture. “Black lives matter” activists burn down entire cities because of the fear leftists promulgate in their communities. If the left had no victims it would also have no voters. Democrats have a vested interest in making people feel hunted, isolated, and bullied. Its a coalition of groups cobbled together through fear mongering.
This is why conservatives can say leftists are decent/ kind people, but leftists can’t do the same. To admit that conservatives have good intentions is to undermine their ENTIRE platform. “Shared values and sense of right and wrong”. PUH-LEASE!
Perhaps you and I don’t know the same liberals? Or you’ve learned about liberals on Fox News?
To be serious, I do think many conservatives have good intentions. I know them. They’re my very large extended family, and my family’s church. And they forward endless amounts of emails to me that lay out the arguments, and what I see is fear. My mom and my aunts sincerely believe that transgender people just want to rape your children in the bathroom, and they sincerely care about those children. They would do anything to protect those children. I get it. It’s still motivated by fear.
Also, they all shop at Walmart, so I’m guessing this doesn’t hurt Target that much.
And on the topic of leftists promulgating fear – the data kind of speaks for itself. There’s a whole lot of data out there showing who’s getting shot by the police. Addressing an injustice and working for change is not the same as promulgating fear, even if at times the humans who are involved make poor decisions. In contrast, conservatives are screaming about transgender people raping children in the bathroom and there is no data to support the claim. Zero. And it’s not because people haven’t looked for it. It’s just not there.
Look, fear motivates people to vote. No doubt. Many times the fear can be ridiculous. There is no good place to put transexuals when it comes to potty time. I don’t want my boys next to a cross dresser and other parents don’t want their girls next to a guy in heels. Its weird. No escape, and no easy answer.
Its very kind of you to say those things about conservatives, but the narrative driving the leftist bus says something very different.
If the Left had no victims they would have no votes. Democrats need black people to be scared, Mexicans to be scared, women to be scared, everyone to be scared about global warm… Err…. Climate change, poor people need to be scared, etc. They also need a bad guy. So there is islamaphobia, homophobia, “institutional racism”, micro-racism, micro-aggression, glass ceilings, rich people holding down the poor, etc. That’s why we all need ” trigger warnings” and other silly bullshit. Without fear of men in the wrong restrooms the entire conservative movement is untouched. Small government, States rights, constitutionalism, christian social values, capitalism, free markets, freedom, ETC. Without victims and fear the left would have…… No platform at all. What policy remains?
Everyone uses fear to get out the vote. But leftists are the grand masters of fear mongering. Not conservatives. You guys are threatened by EVERYTHING. There is an invisible shadowy boogey man around every corner.
I looked up your new work place online. Looks amazing man! Great place for an artist to write books and find zen.
I don’t buy that it all has to be fear. I think you can be concerned about something and have a desire to change it based on the best information available to you at the time. It might turn out to be wrong in the end, but at least you did the legwork of trying to find out what the data shows.
Here’s what the bathroom data shows. There’s pretty much no court or police records indicating that transgender individuals have any kind of tendency to assault people in bathrooms. I mean just none. If you look at courtroom and police data, bathroom assaults are almost always by hetero males presenting as males. On the flipside, there’s plenty of data showing that transgender people are very vulnerable, especially when using public facilities. The likelihood that they’ll be bullied or assaulted is orders of magnitude higher than that a cisgendered person will be. So who needs to be protected from whom?
But I don’t want to do the whole bathroom debate again. I think that as a rational individual I can look at the information available from a variety of sources on both sides of an issue and take a stand that’s neither misinformed nor motivated by fear. For example, there are a number of anti-vaxxers in my social circle. When my daughter was a baby I read everything I could find on both sides of the issue and couldn’t find any reliable, verifiable data showing that vaccines are dangerous. I did find that most vaccines contain mercury, and it’s a good idea to limit your exposure to mercury as much as possible, so I asked for single-dose vials with no preservatives (hence no mercury). Not motivated by fear or misinformation – just as clear and rational of a decision as possible.
No one is worried that transexuals are going to molest children. The concern is that OTHER people will dress in women’s clothes and play the creepers card. There is no doubt that transexual people are at risk of being bullied. But that’s true no matter what restroom they visit.
I don’t buy that it all has to be fear. I think you can be concerned about something and have a desire to change it based on the best information available to you at the time.
Conservatives against men in women’s restrooms can say the same thing. The important point here is that it is undeniable that the left is comprised of a mix of minorities and groups that feel the world has “victimized” them or else owes them something. Most of the time the bad guy is invisible, shadowy, and faceless. It’s just “someone” out there. The liberal speciality is dividing people into groups and playing them against an invisible monster. Without that invisible monster there is no democratic party. Its just a fact. Maybe you think the monster is real, and that’s fine, but its just goofy to pretend the GOP runs on fear while liberals rationally weigh moral options and spread the gospel
That’s a nice bit of projection. I give it a 9.5. 🙂
I know. I feel like I’m living in some alternate reality when Kenneth describes the world as he sees it. 😉
I believe what Sanders is hoping for, is that he can get more pledged delegates than Clinton before the convention. Then, even though she would have more total delegates (when you include super delegates), Bernie could contest. The DNC has never had the super delegates over turn the pledged delegates. It’s a long shot at best, unless Bernie wins CA by an absurd amount.
On an interesting side note, some in the DNC are trying to get rid of super delegates all together. I’m curious what the delegate count would be if super delegates were eliminated and distributed by percentage.
Also, on the “inter department communication” … the RNC and DNC are private organizations, so there is no inter-department communication, since they are not part of the government. However, after the convention, the Repub and Dem nominees start to get intel briefings from the CIA … which is a scary thought.
Good episodes, unfortunately there wasn’t anything really to argue with you guys about! Thanks for not letting a lack of facts or of knowledge get in the way of an opinion! 🙂
I’ve shadowed people in a call center, sometimes they also delay because they are finishing up paper work on the previous call. It’s a way for them to handle more calls.
For instance, if you call comcast, they can look up your account with just your phone number or acct number. But they might ask for you name, address, birth date, etc. It just to get you talking while they finish the previous work order. Sometimes, I give them the wrong info … often they won’t notice.
Hey guys,
I’ve been doing a little study on health care systems around the world. Has anyone else looked at Singapore? Its really awesome and I think it would satisfy liberals and conservatives in the U.S.A. They basically make everyone enroll in a mandatory 401k account. 1/3 to education and housing 1/3 to retirement and 1/3 to healthcare. The 1/3 to healthcare pays for everything up to $2500 and the government picks up the rest. If you run out of retirement/medical savings the government takes care of you. Everyone has to compete in the medical world and all prices per hospital AND complications per surgery per hospital are posted on their gov site. They spend the least per person on healthcare globally and are ranked 6th in the world for quality. Apparently whole foods and the state of Indiana has copied their system with good results. Neat.
Because this is one if your favorite zingers…..
Turns out that fertilizer explosion was due to arson.
Isn’t mandatory 401K, just another word for taxes? I’ll look into this … but what’s the difference between mandatory savings and raising taxes to provide universal health care?
The difference is its your own money and you have the freedom to spend it on what you choose. Singapore also enforces strict transparency laws which make it easy for people to shop. So market forces drive prices down, and competition drives excellence. The expensive side of medical care isn’t major operations but the every day stuff. With universal care that cost remains high. Whenever competition is introduced prices drop and ingenuity is unleashed through the market. Which is why their care is so much cheaper than the UK and France. (By almost 50%)
Also, because people save their own money, you don’t have to deal with the rationing and death panels that single payer systems create
I’ve heard good things about their system, but I would think conservatives wouldn’t like it because the gov’t subsidizes something like 75% of the healthcare costs, the health savings account is a gov’t-operated investment fund, and then there’s still that compulsory-use-of-my-money thing that always seems to be an issue. But hey, if conservatives like it that might be a way to go.
Also, from what I know there’s basically zero rural population in Singapore, and having an almost entirely urban population also keeps healthcare costs down because of access and competition and all that.
I still find it strange that conservatives hate the Affordable Care Act when it was actually their idea first.
The concern is that OTHER people will dress in women’s clothes and play the creepers card.
They already can. There is nothing to stop them from doing that right now, except for the other people who are around. One of the registered sex offenders who tried to move into the neighborhood near my kids’ school a couple years ago was popped for assaulting women in the bathrooms of deserted rest areas in the middle of the night. He just walked in and waited for someone to come in. Then about the third time he tried that he got an old ranch lady with pepper spray in her purse and his career was over. That was in the late 90s.
Also, I take issue with yourIts just a fact. According to whom? What are your supporting statements or some kind of data indicating that liberals function off of fear. What would that even look like? I’m not in favor of protections for transgender individuals in public facilities because of fear. I’m motivated by a sense of justice and compassion. It would really suck to have that problem. I’m lucky I don’t. But I can have compassion and try to acknowledge and alleviate unnecessary pain when I see it. (And I think it’s what Jesus would do.) 🙂
So, I can say the GOP runs on fear based on my family and their church. That’s still a pretty small sample size to use to extrapolate to the entire GOP population. However, the portion of that population that goes in for all the boycotts referred to earlier are exactly the ones who function off of fear, and that’s what I was referring to. The fear is preached every Sunday, and one of the basic functions of a parent is to protect their child from the secularism and depravity of the world around them. I know about this – I swam in it for the first 17 years of my life. I’m not saying that all liberals make rational decisions, etc. I’m saying I’m a liberal, and many of my friends are liberal, and that is how we function. It was a counterpoint to a sweeping generalization.
In Singapore the government only pays for 25% of the total cost of medical care….. So I dunno where you got that 75% statistic, but its incorrect. The vast majority of the money paid out if by citizens. The mandatory savings is not a conservative virtue, but its not a leftist virtue either! That’s what makes it a compromise. I like the idea. Its efficient and could lead us to a place where no mandatory savings are even necessary.
Obama care sucks ass and will be gone in its current form by next year. The only question is if it will be scrapped entirely or just significantly re-done. If they made it more like Switzerlands system it would be OK. Still too expensive though. Third payer systems are just not a good idea. Anything that moves us away from that needs to be pursued
Have you all heard of “Operation Plowshare”? It was a legit operation to determine if nuclear weapons could be used for nonviolent purposes like civil works projects. I heard about in the “Stuff You Should Know” podcast. Interesting/terrifying stuff.
I don’t remember where I heard 75%, but this website indicates that there are significant gov’t subsidies of up to 80% involved:
Also, it sounds like they have death panels, if you read down to the section on MediFund and ElderCare Fund.
I like the idea of savings accounts and all that too. I’m just anticipating that a mandatory saving account like that would not go over well with conservatives. And if you don’t like big gov’t, stay away from Singapore. That’s as big gov’t as it gets.
I take it you’re assuming we’ll have President Trump then? 😉
Yeah, its definitely a compromise on the conservative side, but I don’t have a problem with compromise. Its good to play nice.
The government pays up to 80% if the person is indigent, didn’t save, or ran out of money. Same with the death panels, etc. If you are a total deadbeat and can’t save even when its forced upon you then you get what you get lol charities would hopefully pick up the slack.
Im very anti trump and obviously very anti Hillary. The good news about the election is that it will be over soon. If Hillary wins I hope she actually copies the swiss version of Obama care which is at least defensible! If Trump takes it I’m hoping for something more along the lines of Singapore or else Carson’s original plan of subsidized universal HSAs
If Trump wins, I’m looking for anything less than complete ruin of our country.
But hey, Paul Ryan is on board now, so there’s that.
For anyone paying attention Target stocks have plummeted 5 billion dollars….. Oucj
Complete ruin of our country is what would happen if Trump meant anything he said. But he has already taken back his tax plan, reversed his position on minimum wage, announced he wasn’t going to self fund, hired a Goldman Sachs fundraiser, and today walked back his Muslim ban. By the time November rolls around he will be a totally different package.
You know what’s really interesting is that when Singapore opts everyone into Medishield from birth (optional but you are assumed to be in) it only costs each person $14 per month!!!! 14 bucks for catastrophic insurance. That’s crazy low
According to the Commonwealth site, for indigent and elderly patients “More than 90 percent of patients whose applications are approved receive assistance amounting to 100 percent of the outstanding portion of subsidized bills that they are unable to pay.” So that suggests that poor individuals generally get full coverage rather than 80%.
What’s your source for the 25% gov’t subsidy? I’m seeing several different numbers on different sites, but not 25%.
From the Commonwealth site:
“Singapore offers its citizens universal health care coverage, funded through a combination of government subsidies, multilayered financing schemes, and private individual savings, all administered at the national level. The first tier of protection is provided by government subsidies of up to 80 percent of the total bill in public hospitals and primary care polyclinics. There are also subsidies of up to 80 percent in the government-funded intermediate and long-term care institutions. This is supported by a system of savings and insurance programs to help individuals and families pay for their care—known as the “3Ms,” for the Medisave, MediShield, and Medifund programs. Together, these play a critical role in maintaining Singaporeans’ health and welfare.”
Some other things to consider: Singapore has a fairly small elderly population, they have basically no rural healthcare issues to consider, healthcare services are regulated to an extent that American conservatives would flip their shit over, and much of the healthcare is provided by government-linked corporations, which I’m guessing would also cause some heartburn. I think it would be a very hard sell, and you wouldn’t get the same results because of our population challenges, but I like the funding model.
A GOP flip-flopper? Surely you jest.
Sorry… I’m ornery this afternoon.
Don’t make me google some Hillary clips!!!!
You guys have won. You got two liberals running for president
Everything quoted was correct. But I think you’re getting confused within the three Ms. After everything is said and done government funds account for 25% of healthcare costs. If you think about it, why would the government force everyone to save their entire life for healthcare that was already universally paid for with tax money? Lol I’ll post a link below. If you take the time to watch that original video I posted the speaker does a great job untangling it.
I’ve heard these objections before about the elderly and rural populations. If the elderly have saved 6% of their income their entire life into a 401k JUST for healthcare I’m pretty sure it won’t be that big of a factor. Everything has obstacles, but these hypothetical could be dealt with easily IMO
And I don’t bring up the elderly and rural populations issue as an objection. My point is that healthcare in countries with larger elderly populations is unavoidably more costly whether they have saved or not. It’s still going to be a larger percentage of your GDP that goes to healthcare.
The rural healthcare thing is its own puzzle to untangle. The logistics of delivery is the biggest issue, but that obviously comes with higher costs when you’re trying to serve people that are scattered over a large space rather than an area with a very high population density like Singapore.
One of my economist friends (who happens to get coffee at the same place I do every morning) told me that another way Singapore keeps prices down is that by using government-linked corporations to to deliver healthcare you’re doing two things: you can keep the prices relatively low through enhanced regulation, and the money spent on healthcare is then circulating back into your own system that’s also subsidizing it. I think if managed right that can be a great setup. I just think both of those things are anathema to conservatives.
If by liberal you simply mean not-conservative then yes, Trump is a liberal. But that’s a tortured definition.
The GOP did this to themselves, and it will be interesting to see how the party evolves from here. I kind of think all the tea party stuff set up the GOP for this. Sometimes you have to be more thoughtful in your choice of bedfellows or it comes back to bite you.
I’ll be curious when their quarterly report comes out to see if the protest actually effected sales in any significant way. Stock prices are fickle.
What shocks me, is that there is no similar protest for trump. He said pretty much the exact same thing as Target.
Do you think that’s because of the boycott, Kenneth? The boycott isn’t even mentioned as a factor by this financial analyst:
Looking at their recent history and where they were in Feb 2016, I’m skeptical that the boycott is affecting them at all. I read that almost 2.5 million people shop at Target each day. I highly doubt 1 million supposed boycotters is going to have much of an affect on their bottom line.
Do conservatives understand how electing Trump looks to the rest of the world? Do they care? Trump would be a disaster whether he’s liberal or not, and even if he was liberal, he would have never won the Democratic primary.
The protesters are one thing the negative publicity is another.
Negative publicity? To who? To the people who don’t like their policy? It’s positive publicity to the rest of the country (or at least neutral), and it’s a stupid thing to boycott to those who don’t view it negatively as well. I’m more likely to go to Target for something now. I’m pretty sure I’m not alone.
You don’t need to convince me bud!I wouldn’t want him as the governor of Texas much less POTUS. I don’t really give a shit what the rest of the world thinks, but maybe that’s the American exceptionalism in me. The rest of the world will dance to whatever tune we play. Thats what happens when you are the richest and most powerful country in the world. But its not just conservatives voting for Trump. He flipped a crap load of registered democrats on his path to the nomination. In January something like 20% of Bernie supporters claimed they would vote Trump over Hillary. More recently, a good percentage of West Virginian dems claimed the same….
I don’t want to vote for him, but he could win me over. The Supreme Court nomination is extremely important. I think you guys are highly underestimating the loathing that comes with Clinton. President Trump is a very really possibility.
Dont be surprised. Trump supporters are zombies. I watch them literally change their mind on topics just as fast as Trump does. If he wants X they want X. If he changes his mind they change theirs. Its really spooky
He was a hardcore liberal his entire life before he made this convenient transition. How many people do you know of changed their entire political philosophy and all of their core values in their sixties? Its absurd. Conservatives have been conned. But then you all have Hillary…… who is possibly the weakest candidate in DNC history
This switching of parties goes both ways though, which we’ve already discussed.
I tell my Hillary-supporting friends all the time that they underestimate the loathing many have for her, so I’m not underestimating it at all. However, as much as I don’t like her, I don’t see her as being catastrophic in the same way I think Trump would most likely be.
AND they found a way to up charge rich people in the process. Want a room with 8 people in it? Want four people? two? Your own room? A room with 24hour catering and champagne? They take the up-charge money and funnel it through to the low end levels. I freaking love that idea. We dont have to copy and paste the entire system. Its a neat blueprint though. I dont think the constitution allows mandatory savings anyways. Obamacare only got passed because they reclassified it as a tax.
Universally funded HSAs might work though. Give every american $1500 per year and then opt everyone into high deductible catastrophic insurance. Regulate deductible at $3,500 and set up a generous safety net to boot. Even if you were on minimum wage you could afford care, so long as the subsidy rolled over each year. All regulations are anathema to conservatives but the realists go for whats politically possible. This moves us in a good direction.
No marketing professional in the world would promote publicity that annoys or pisses off half the country in order to get a pat on the back from the other half. You being more inclined to shop at target while others are ruling it out hurts the bottom line. But let’s see what happens. The happy holidays policy crushed them and they had to reverse it. Boycotts aren’t good for business lol
Is it really half the country? That seems unlikely. Polls show that it’s maybe 40%, but a much smaller percentage of those feel strongly about it. Generally speaking the group that’s toward the middle won’t act on it one way or another.
Well, we will see what happens. In other news, rumor has it Bruce Jenner wants to be a man again. Think he will get a hero’s welcome the second time around? Also, hear the audio of Trump pretending to be his own publicist? Hilarious
In January something like 20% of Bernie supporters claimed they would vote Trump over Hillary.
The things people say during the primary and the things they do during the general election often have very little in common. And it’s hard to put much credence into Trump vs. Clinton polls right now since she’s not actually campaigning against Trump yet. But most polls show Clinton leading Trump right now, even if by a slim margin. If she selects Elizabeth Warren as her running mate she’ll get quite a few Bernie fans on-board as well.
That’s very true. But still, after getting the nomination someone very rarely comes back to win if down in the polls. What’s important is state by state polls. It doesn’t really matter if all Californians and newyorkers vote Hillary or if 100% of Texans vote Trump. All tat matters are Ohio, Florida, and Pennsylvania. And those three states show a tie ball game. 8 years ago we got to see the first black man become POTUS….. That was a very interesting election. But this one might end up being more fascinating
Are you more excited for:
Star Wars: Rogue One
The new Star Trek TV series
The Independence Day sequal
Suicide Squad
or Dr. Strange.
star wars dude for sure
I think the Jenner story is a fake fox news story.
Maybe Trump can be his own running mate. With the size of his ego, I’m not sure there’s room for 2 in his campaign, so that might solve that problem.
Orange is the New Black, Season 4
Rogue One. Then Star Trek. I also heard about some sci-fi series that Seth MacFarlane is doing that sounded interesting.
Yeah, but I think there is a small, vocal minority who really care about Target’s bathroom policies, and then the majority of people who think it’s stupid and will result in almost zero practical difference for the average person.
It won’t be a company killer. But the drop went from two billion to four billion since we last spoke
All retail stocks are dropping. Nordstrom dropped 16%. Go read some articles on TGT and the retail sector as a whole that aren’t written by Fox News or the boycotters.
Im not only reading fox news. Some stocks drop while maintaining high brand perception. If the sales drop with perception thats a no bueno. Look here