In this episode of Drunk Ex-Pastors, Christian gives Jason a very special gift (hint: it's small, sings like a little Canadian boy, and you put it in your mouth); we take feedback from a female listener who is frustrated by her former time in the church when all her "sisters in Christ" thought she wanted to steal their husbands; we delve into the issue of language and labels, focusing on whether and when it's OK to use "the N-word" as well as whether jokingly labeling stuff "gay" or "retarded" is a retarded, gay thing to do; Jason bitches about his culinary needs never being met, while we hoist a poignant shot which Christian saved for the very end of the show. … [Read more...]
Are Men Just Puppets?
An interesting issue came up during episode #8 of Drunk Ex-Pastors. A female caller relayed her frustration over the fact that when she was a churchgoer, many of the other women in the congregation viewed her with suspicion because of their fear that she would try to tempt and steal away their husbands. Of course, the first question that arose in my mind was, “So what’s the deal? Are men simply passive agents in this whole thing? Are they just acted upon, the way a wallet is acted upon when picked up from the table and placed in one’s pocket?” In fact, this whole attitude sort of feeds the idea that men aren’t really responsible for what they do. They’re simply duped, picked off, hypnotized, and forced into doing what their urges … [Read more...]
Women: Walking Vaginas? Or Something More?
Many of you with a religious background will know that Genesis records the creation of Eve from Adam’s rib because Adam needed a “helpmeet” or counterpart with whom he could relate (up to that point there were just animals roaming around). It is very easy for religious people to jump from the Genesis record to the idea that women only exist to make men’s lives easier, and have no distinct purpose of their own outside pleasing their husbands and bearing his children (a position that, as we discussed in episode #7 of Drunk Ex-Pastors, Mark Driscoll appears to hold). Have any thoughts on this? If you’re a female, got any horror stories to share? Have a listen below. . . . … [Read more...]
Podcast #7: Scary Movies, Dead Americans, and Mark Driscoll’s Penis
In our seventh episode of Drunk Ex-Pastors, Jason explains why he doesn't like movies containing red-headed twin children or the Holocaust; Christian reveals some sobering facts about ISIS and their plot to take over America (or just kill us all, we're not sure at this point); we take some listener feedback asking about Mark Driscoll's penis and who it really belongs to; and lastly, Christian complains about the insensitivity of certain drivers' parking habits, while Jason laments all progress in general. … [Read more...]
As has been reported, a massive security breach has recently led to over 100 celebrities’ cell phones being hacked and their personal photos stolen and uploaded to the web for all the world to see (I believe the celebs were all female). As you can imagine, the majority of the pics shared fall into the category of nude selfies. The victims include Jennifer Lawrence and Kate Upton, two women that I’m sure no one would like to see naked (</sarcasm>). Unsurprisingly, many on the Right are blaming the women themselves for even having these pics on their devices in the first place (basically, it serves them right for being such hussies). Not unlike when the creepier details of the Patriot Act were made known, the response among … [Read more...]
Just a Bunch of Random Crap
OK, a few random points. . . . This evening your humble Drunk Ex-Pastors will record our fourth podcast. We have gotten suggestions from a handful of you about topics you’d like to hear us address, but there’s always room for more (and if we don’t get to your question or issue this week, we will eventually, I promise). Just go over to the podcast page and click the link beneath the main image and submit an audio recording telling us what’s on your mind). Have you ever noticed that when girls hang out together in a group, they always choose friends with a similar body-type? Seriously, you never see a super athletic-looking girl cruising around with an overweight or a skin-and-bones girl. It’s like some unwritten code, where if one of … [Read more...]