This episode of DXP focuses pretty much exclusively on politics (which, we realize, isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. But look at the bright side: When civilization as we know it ends in a year or two, none of you will have to worry about podcasts anymore. Or tea. Or cups. Or anything.). We take a voicemail about third party voting and another about the electoral college (about which we have modified our stance somewhat, because math). We then tackle the seeming false equivalency regarding left- and right-wing fearmongering. Our attention then turns to whether Trump is truly “draining the swamp” as he claimed to do, after which we take a chilling stroll through our president-elect’s possible cabinet appointments. We then ponder why evangelical Christians basically put Trump in office despite his being almost as unlike Christ as Satan. Christian is Feeding Friendsied by ignorance concerning what constitutes a scientific theory, while Jason is biebered by having to touch everyone’s food with his filthy hands.
Also, Happy Genocide Day everyone!
The Hamilton and SNL rants are Trump’s way of manipulating the public to discuss something other than the Trump U setttlement. It is frightening how good he is at it. I mean, Jason didn’t even know about the settlement, but knew all about Hamilton.
He’s smarter than you think. These aren’t just random flare ups, they are calculated.
I think you’re right. I’m came to a similar realization earlier today. Trump is like: “Hey watch this, I’m going to get everyone talking about a musical that is meaningless, while real news is happening”. He is a master at media manipulation and marketing.
Christian, it’s not that I intentionally misunderstood the argument. Sometimes several people are commenting at the same time, AND I’m having to read and comment very quickly because I’m trying to not get in trouble from the wife while we’re out and about. So I simply didn’t follow the point of your hell question at all.
He also called in the mainstream media today for an “off the record” lashing….. And then leaked his shit talking to the press. The guy is gonna make one hell of an interesting four years.
And as a side note im starting to think he might actually accomplish some good things…. Everyone should give the guy a chance. I think he will govern different than he tweets
I’m willing to hear people’s reasons for voting third party if and only if they support the third party cause when it’s not a general election year. Were they working to support third party candidates in midterm elections and in local elections? Were they pounding the pavement and knocking on doors in the interim? Because there’s not much anyone can do in a general election year to advance the third party cause, and you need viable candidates in the pipeline in order to have an impact at the national level. If you’re serious about the third party cause that’s great, but be serious about it all the time. Think the thought whole, as Kierkegaard would say.
Christian, I think Justin Trudeau should be your new BFF when Jason abandons you. Not only is he smart and chill but I bet he also has awesome stories from his day job to share on the podcast.
I have to disagree with your argument that the electoral college forces candidates to campaign all across the country. Clinton knew she would win California, New York, Illinois, and most of the other solid Democratic states so she didn’t need to campaign there. Trump knew he would win Wyoming, Nebraska, the Dakotas, and most of the other solid Republican states so he didn’t need to campaign there. At the same time Clinton didn’t campaign in solid red states because she knew she’d lose and those votes wouldn’t count, and vice versa for Trump. For example, Trump had only one campaign stop in Nebraska, Montana, and ND each and 0 campaign stops in SD, Idaho, Kansas, and Wyoming. He knew he was going to win those states so it didn’t matter whether he stopped there or not. Trump went to Washington 3 times, Oregon once, and California only a handful of times because he knew he was going to lose those states so he didn’t want to waste his time or money for votes that wouldn’t en up mattering. The candidates mainly focused on swing states like Pennsylvania, Florida, Ohio, etc. because these are the states that would make the difference. In a popular vote system all those losing votes that end up not counting towards anything in the electoral college would matter. Even though Clinton only got 20-40% in most solidly Republican states, those votes helped add up to her popular vote win. Imagine how many more votes she might have gotten in those states if she had actively campaigned there. She won over 60% of the vote in California and nearly 60% in NY. If Trump had more actively campaigned in those states he might have cut her lead by some and the popular vote could have been closer. To me it seems that when every vote contributes directly and equally to you winning the presidency it would encourage people to cast a wider campaign net than when a candidate knows that they can win solid states easily without campaigning there and that votes for the losing candidate in a solid red or blue state will end up not counting for anything.
You guys have gone off into looney tune world. Let’s see if the panick from the left is as delusional as the hysteria from the right in 2008.
Name one racist policy Trump supports.
Name one sexist policy Trump supports
Name one “human right” Trump wants to take away from people
All of these things are completely delusional. There are one million reasons to not want a Trump Presidency….. racism, sexism, white supremacy, bigotry, etc. are not on the list. His own personal CHARACTER might be repulsive, but there is nothing in Trumps policy proposals that should inspire all this ridiculous fear. You guys cherry picked things the right was worried about with Obama. In 2008-2012 the big fear was blowing out the national debt. Legit fear. In 2012-2016 the fear was losing religious liberty, losing the culture war, the Iran deal, etc. all legit. The fear from black lives matter is totally crazy. The fear that trump is going to deport law abiding Mexican CITZENS is also crazy. The fear that women are somehow going to be worse off is ludicrous. Trump has openly said he has no problem with transgender people and even WON a majority of the LGBT vote in Florida. He won more blacks and hispanics than Romney. People voted for Trump because the Obama status quo wasn’t popular and Hillary was crooked. Come back to reality boys. And stop demonizing people that didn’t vote in a way you agree with. I didn’t vote for trump, but I’m not going to say everyone that did is OKwith racism. Have some class and lose with dignity
• “Political correctness is horrible and oppressive and you should all grow up, but I need a safe space for my bigotry and it should be the theater!”
• Keith Olberman used to be the local KTLA evening news sports guy WAAAAY back in the day.
• No, the accuser was doxed and harassed and she dropped the sexual assault lawsuit.
• Oh, we’re going to go to war. It’ll be war on Iran this time around.
• If the GOP doesn’t wreck all the shit, get us into a new war, and roll back minority rights, I’ll apologize.
• I kind of wish President Obama would declare himself President for Life which he won’t, because he’s a decent and good man who thought America was better than it was.
• Of course he’s not going to clean out the swamp. He’s going to use the office to personally enrich himself and his family.
• Alt-right = Motherfucking American Nazis.
• No, the South calls it the War of Northern Aggression because the War to Keep Black People Enslaved Forever didn’t test as well with the focus groups.
• Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho 2020!!!!! He knows what plants crave!
• Well, those two political solutions often boil down to “Death or cake!” so I can see how that would be confusing.
• There were no safe states. Pennsylvania was supposedly a safe state. Michigan was on the edge, but was leaning Democratic. Every vote counts.
• Talking of the 2000 election, makes me think of the bright side of this election. Donald Trump will do nothing to stop Florida from sinking into the Atlantic Ocean, so we won’t have to worry about them fucking things up for that much longer.
• I think the “Dick Move, God” for the week was the fucking election.
• I haven’t posted this here for a while, but if anyone wants to go through the bible with me as I read it: This week we learn not to trust people who say they have a message from God and God keeps removing leaders and having their families killed because they worshipped idols and then replaces them with men who also worship idols.
• I don’t think we’ll end up in prison. I do think I might end up in reeducation bible camp. Let’s all raise our hands for the afterglow session.
You need to tag specific posts with the DMG label. I often go through your posts but have a hard time pulling out the relevant fodder.
Will do.
It ensures that swing states are not just where the big city population is though. Under a popular vote the big cities would be where all the campaign dollars would matter, and it wouldn’t ever change. Like for now, those SD, ID, KS, WY votes you list didn’t matter, but one day they could (sort of like how a small state like NH was in play this year).
Splitting the electors like NE and ME would be a better solution, it would ensure blue areas like Houston and Phoenix get their votes counted as well as red areas like most of CA, OR & WA. Being winner-take-all ensures those votes don’t ever matter.