This is the episode of Drunk Ex-Pastors that probably shouldn’t have been made—It was recorded on our second Thanksgiving (celebrated on Friday), we had both been drinking for like ten hours, and it was unclear whether we were even recording that day at all. But as the saying goes, the show must go on. So we threw caution to the wind and, without an outline, our usual segments, or any pre-selected voicemails, we sat down and produced 90+ minutes of material of questionable quality (Hey, it’s two friends drinking and talking, remember?). We began by subcontracting out the intro-banter duties, and then discussed our favorite reality show, which segued into whether the differences between the various “generations” are real or made up. We then talk about Trump for a little bit (because it’s way too hard not to), but spent the bulk of our time discussing a voicemail from a listener who is recently divorced, Visit today and schedule your complimentary consultation. You can also find attorneys for marital agreements to help you out with divorce cases. We springboarded into issues such as why humans marry in the first place, whether we are hardwired for monogamy, and whether there should be a legal marrying age like there is for drinking. Finally, we take a call from some douchebag who claims we suck at science. And Christian is biebered by the rules regarding creepily stalking people.
Also, we’ll try harder next time. Promise.
• I’ve gotten more liberal the older I’ve gotten.
• I don’t think I could like Trump personally, because I would never know where I stand. The man’s a con artist who can say one thing one moment and something completely contradicting it the next.
• I think the recounts are a bad idea. I think there isn’t enough evidence to say that the election was hacked or the Clinton campaign would have been leading the demand for a paper recount. What this will do, I think, it distract America from the problems in the campaign: Russian interference and propaganda, Wikileaks interference, Comey’s interference in the election, Trump’s breaking of all the practices and standards of our elections to prevent conflicts of interest.
• Oh yes, and fuck Jill Stein and all of the voters that wanted to send a message to the DNC. Thanks, guys.
• Well, the New Deal is over. Obamacare is over. Medicare will be over. The poor will become poorer or die, the rich will become richer. I’d expect national voting ID laws to further restrict the ballot. Discrimination will probably be legal again. And we’re going to burn all the oil, so kiss Florida and the coastal areas goodbye.
• But other than that…
• Can I say, that I blame the purity culture in our churches for how fucked up our views of marriage and sex are? All of us were chomping at the bit at 16 to get married because that was the only legal way we could have sex. So we’re stupid kids at 18-20 and we’re dying to have sex, so we’re not thinking clearly at all. And we rush into marriage with the idea that it’s going to be wine and roses and if it’s not, we just need to pray harder. It’s really screwed up.
• Yes, but how many of those women are stuck in those arranged marriages because they have no economic prospects outside of their husband, no support network, no right to divorce their spouse, and might get stoned or burned to death by their own families if they tried to run away or escape?
• There’s a couple of DMGs in 1 Kings 20.
• The difference between a romantic comedy and a horror movie thriller is often how attractive the romantic lead is. Example: Replace Sandra Bullock with Kathy Bates in While You Were Sleeping.
So you guys mentioned a Black Mirror episode about people rating each other on social media. I just want to say it sounds like they stole the idea from an episode of Community.
On the Churchill quote, it seems like conservative meant something quite different then than it does in America right now.