This episode of Drunk Ex-Pastors begins with voicemails from a drunk biologist and a whiskey enthusiast and continues with a caller’s challenge to Christian about whether he is raising fratboy Trump enthusiasts. We take more calls about the propriety of third-party voting and what it’s like to be a politically conservative DXP fan, after which we discuss our president-elect’s opinion on the punishment for flag-burning (hint: it’s completely ignorant and unconstitutional). We follow up a up bit on our discussion about divorce from out last episode, after which we turn our attention to Dennis Prager’s whining about losing the culture war by not hearing enough about Jesus at Xmas time, even though the people who really love Jesus have traditionally hated Prager’s people for being Christ-killers. Christian is biebered by Hollywood’s failure at escape techniques, while Jason is biebered by how his body defies all the rules of science, and not in a good way.
Also, Merry Kwanzaa everyone!
I’ll buy a DXP! Flag!
• Jason was a hipster before hipsters were cool.
• Look, if you can make stupid people stand in line for 12 hours in the snow, you do it.
• Voting: it’s all fun and games until the joke candidate actually wins
• I used to vote Libertarian party, because I bought into the false narrative that since neither side was perfect, then both sides were equally awful. And it is a false narrative. There is one side that thinks government should benefit everyone and another side that thinks government should benefit business. Both sides are not the same. One is demonstrably worse as we’re about to find out, Orange Voldemort notwithstanding.
• Jesus Christ, you special snowflakes, if you want the perfect shiny unicorn candidate, then get off your fucking ass, get involved in your local politics, organize, make calls, run for fucking office and support your special perfect shiny unicorn candidates from the local level up to the state level up to the Federal level. For now, pick a party platform and VOTE, goddamn it!
• Or as someone wiser than I once said, “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”
• Jesus, think of how fucked things are when we long for the wisdom and stability of GEORGE FUCKING BUSH.
• Are you going to vote for Death or really bad tasting cake?
• We can allow it because NO ONE CARES. His supporters don’t care. They have power. The media doesn’t care because ‘both sides do it’. All of the normal rules no longer apply.
• Well, I thought Republicans were better than Donald Fucking Trump. And it genuinely surprises me that we have actual Nazis coming out of the woodwork.
• Alt-right = Male right’s activist internet Nazis.
• Gold Star Family = Their son died in the service of his country and was awarded a Gold Star.
• Ugh… fuck Michigan, fuck Pennsylvania, Fuck North Carolina.
• I can’t decide if Trump is an idiot on Twitter or a deliberate idiot because he knows everyone will chase the red dot while he’s off looting something or fucking something up about the country irrevocably.
• Without the United States, and specifically our Lend-Lease bill that allowed us to ship arms to Russia, it’s possible that Operation Barbarossa would have succeeded and Britain would have fallen.
• Again, we’ve pretty much thrown out all the norms. That’s what makes things a lot scarier.
• Iceland. Small island, middle of nowhere.
• So question for you: the penalty for sexual immorality by a married person was death in the OT Law, right? So it doesn’t seem like the initial laws of divorce were supposed to be limited to adultery or immorality. And even if the OT, it wasn’t practiced that way, as in Ezra where a bunch of Jews on the advice of God’s spokesmen decide to divorce their non-Jewish wives and disown their children because of racial and religious purity. So are Jesus’ words simply more of the “You have heard that it was said…, but I say…”? Or something else?
• No, it’s fucking not a significant development.
• No, the FFRF and the ACLU would only get involved in a “Christmas” vs. “Holiday” dispute if a government entity is trying to promote a singular religion.
• In my day, we used to wish people a happy Dies Natalis Solis Invicti and then all of a sudden, you Christians come along and say, “Merry Christmas.”
• Prager is a C-word.
• Eh, and Jason just made that joke.
• Christians, and I know Prager isn’t one, but Christians in general tend to think that way about their faith. They think everyone just hates their faith and is offended by praying before a meal or saying “Merry Christmas” or mentioning “Jesus”. That’s not how the real world works, but they got some sort of LARP’ing going on where they’re the most persecuted sect in America despite 81% of Americans identifying as Christians.
• Cognitive Dissonance… also a good podcast.
• No, I don’t want to create a secular society. I just don’t want the government to take sides and don’t think you have the right to dictate your beliefs to others or don’t think you have the right to say certain people are abominations without some people telling you that you’re a bigot.
• We’re not going to get rid of Christmas. It may be a religious holiday, but it’s also a commercial holiday. There’s tons of money to be made, and if Ramadan and Hanukkah had the potential to make retailers billions of dollars a year, we’ve have national holidays for those too.
• Or because the Jews were like, “Hey, look guys, we wrote you some Christmas songs. We REALLY REALLY SUPER LOVE JESUS NOW, can you not pogrom or holocaust us any more, pretty, super please? Cause that would be super great if you let us live and didn’t steal our shit.”
• They actually sell window breaking tools you can attach to your key chain.
• There’s also an episode of Mythbusters where they tackle getting out of a car underwater.
• Or you could stay alive like they did in Strange Brew. Just pack your car or van with empty beer bottles and sit on the bottom for a while breathing the air out of those. Of course, you probably don’t want to get pulled over with a 100 empty beer bottles in your car or SUV. Might be kind of hard to explain to the police. Eh, but your white, you’ll be fine.
I used to listen to Cognitive Dissonance when we started DXP. It was very entertaining.
You guys crack me up.
“Who cares about saying merry Christmas? No one cares!”
Except for all of the people who do and go out of their way to make people say something other than “merry Christmas”. If no one truly cares, then you should both be joining Prager in defending Christmas as the reason for the season. Because, who cares?
“I don’t want a secular society”…… “I agree that Christmas shouldn’t be a national holiday”….
Situational irony!
“How would he feel if someone said “happy kwanza”….. ummm, he just told you. He ISNT Christian and likes Christmas.
If 1% of the population gets offended by “merry Christmas” that’s too bad. If you both want to be logical, you should give your “who cares” line to those snow flakes. They live in a Christian culture. Get over it. So long as you can celebrate whatever religious day you want who cares who says what to you?!?
Your argument against pragers video is actually HIS argument. Which is completely hilarious
Jason you have to get a kick out of a certain segment of Protestants demanding that people address a holiday with the oh so Catholic word of “Christmas” Christ’s Mass, and wanting a massive display of idolatry in the form of a Nativity in the center of every town!