DXP #155 begins with a call from a southern listener who simultaneously bemoans and reinforces all the reasons we mock the South, after which we discuss just how black you have to be to be licensed to use the N-word (All? Half? 25%?). In our “Mansplaining Match” segment, Christian helps hapless women navigate the issue of dating profile pics, after which things take a somewhat depressing and morbid turn as we discuss heartbreak, capital punishment for sociopaths, suicide, and whether video games make kids violent. Jason is biebered by his state’s traffic laws, while Christian’s bieber has to do with something he has done, on average, like twice a year for his entire sad life.
Also, our sense is that “mulattoes” is no longer a thing, but we can’t pinpoint how we know that.
Dude, Jason. Why the hell were you in Clarksville, Arkansas? I’m from a little over an hour north of there in Jasper, a very touristy part of the state. So I know the only reason people go to Clarksville is because they’re on their way to somewhere else. Please, I’m begging you. Satisfy my curiosity.
You kidding me? I try to get to C’ville any chance I get, that place rocks!
Actually it was for a wedding back in ’99. Then we went to Branson (shudder).