Episode #158 of DXP is a bit of a clusterf*ck: Not only was it delayed 24 hours due to both of us moving, but the tech issues when setting up to record were such that, well, it just doesn’t sound quite as good as it should. But as our delay demonstrated, you’re all addicted enough to this crackpipe of a show that you’ll give a bit of grace to get your fix. We begin with a voicemail from Omaha of all places, and then discuss our douchebag president’s douche son. Jason is challenged by a caller over whether the Right is more violent than the Left, and then we are both accused of alcoholism by another listener citing the CDC (but in our defense, we are apparently guilty of plenty of other “-isms” as well). Our “Mansplaining Match” segment helps women understand that their love of nature’s beauty plays no role in whether we find them so, and “Messed Up Math” explains to male 40-somethings that they’re basically pathetic and the last ones to get the joke. Finally, our “True Bromance” segment shows just how little Jason has changed over the past 20 years. Christian is biebered by his postal problems, while Jason’s bieber has to do with electricity taking itself too seriously.
Also, Schenectady is totally the new Omaha.
Justin Iungerich
I posted about this in 154#, but it was kinda late. The conversation about violent acts committed by the crazies on both sides of the aisle struck a nerve with me. There may very well be more violence committed by conservatives than liberals, but continuing down and maintaining this line of thought is dangerous. By generalizing that one political affiliation is more violent than the other you are automatically ostracizing a large percentage of the country and as a result pitting that group against the accuser. Our toxic two party system then feeds on this sort of “them versus us” mentality and breeds all sorts of ignorance and maybe even more violence. I think regardless of who commits the violence it needs to be labeled as nothing more than radical lunacy. I would love to hear you guys discuss this further because I think its one of the biggest and silliest problems with this country right now. Thoughts?