We begin this episode of DXP in a severe state of melancholy, bitching and moaning for about 15 minutes over how crap our days were and how life sucks in general. Christian then recounts his recent run-ins with two different salesmen (one tried to sell him a garage door, the other a trunk-full of meat. We’ll let you guess which one was successful). We revisit the trans people in sports issue, after which we discuss the recent events in Berlin in 1934 (oh wait, it was in Virginia a couple weeks ago. Sorry about that, I keep getting those two eras confused). After delving into the psyches of these alt-right Nazi protesters we move into our True Bromance segment in which Jason receives quite the dressing-down from Christian via a letter from 1993. Both our biebers have to do with cars: one involving where they park and the other where they drive.
Also, Serge’s espresso with a lemon twist is good, you should try it.
Tim Harris
Antifa is their name, not something coined by the alt Right. It is funded by Soros, and international in scope, being stronger in Europe at least until recently.
“Fascism” is not the same as “authoritarianism.” Indeed, the most authoritarian regime in world history was self-consciously anti-fascist.
“Nazi” is short for “nationalist.” If you always call Rightists nazis, why don’t you always call Leftists commies, which is the nick-name equivalent? “We haven’t seen something like this since back when Commie Russia tried to take over the world.”
C’mon fellas, if you’re going to wax lyrical about politics, at least do a little homework first.
Pretty sure we don’t “always call the rightists nazis.” Nazis is what we call people with swastikas and Hitler salutes. And neither of us is interested in “communism” as seen through the lens of Soviet Russia. That’s for people waving sickle and hammer flags around.
Tim Harris
Yes well historically many people dressing in SS costumes and saluting have been agents provocateur, including even jews — look it up for yourself. Second the Roman salute is far more universal than Hitler. (And many did not see it as offensive even during the Reich — see for example the French Olympic team during the 1936 opening ceremonies). So your taxonomy is still superficial.
But in fact, true rightism always has an ethnic-nationalist aspect, so in one sense your instincts are accurate — but you are unable to cash them out, because your animus is entirely at whites that want their own country, not anyone else. You seem to think it’s okay for 10 million Mexicans to come here, but you would never ever say it was okay for 10 million whites to move to Nigeria. Presumably, you applaud the Indian nationalists that threw the English out. So the common denominator in your view of politics is simply anti-your own people; the stance on an issue itself is entirely fungible and pragmatic.
So, which rightists do you make room at the table for? Ones that politely debate that the top marginal rate should be 38%, not 40%. But this definition is entirely an American one. The two sides in those kinds of debate are simply two versions of liberals (one social, the other economic). They are neither Right nor Left in the underlying ontology.
monroe doctrine
Enough with the politics!