In this episode, Jason and Christian discuss the shooting of Michael Brown, the unarmed black teen who was shot in the back and head by a white police in Ferguson, MO, last week; they explore the issue of whether people on the right are more ideologically driven than those on the left, who tend to be more pragmatic; they roll up their religious sleeves and dig into the nuts and bolts of the Rapture and its accompanying apocalyptic doomsday prophecies (during which hilarity cannot but ensue); and Jason complains about Hollywood’s over-sensationalizing of bathroom murders, while Christian moans about pushy salespeople and how they not only make him feel heartless but also cause him to publicly lament his years and years of poor decision-making.
Is that your blog, Eric? I actually saw Gone Girl twice, and enjoyed it thoroughly, even the last twenty minutes. It’s difficult to talk about it publicly without giving anything away. Maybe it held my attention because of what I think it was trying to accomplish philosophically.
Oh, you’ll like this: