In this episode of Drunk Ex-Pastors, after taking a “holiday” shot suggestion submitted by a listener and getting an update on the woeful life of a car salesman, Christian and Jason springboard off of something Jason said in the last podcast into whether or not Christianity should be any different than any other organization or religion. (Or as Christian likes to wonder, should God make a difference?) They then address a listener’s voicemail about speaking in tongues and whether or not anyone is actually doing it for real, especially 3rd graders being filmed by the news. They then address the homicide of Eric Garner by Staten Island police and attempt to answer the difficult question of whether or not being black and weighing 350 pounds is grounds enough for being strangled to death by law enforcement. (Hint: No. Never.) Jason is biebered by literally everything.
Also, Jason uses the word “psycholologize.”
Totally identified with the thread on the tongues… Brought back memories of being younger & how I was concerned & sad that I must not be spiritual enough to have been given that gift. I used to say, wryly, “I guess God only gave me English!”
You know, for a couple of sexist racists, you sure do say some spot-fucking-on things. Love you long time.
Kenneth Winsmann
Oh lord. The “homicide” of Eric Garner….. *facepalm*. You do know the cause of death was a heart attack? he was not “strangled to death”. I know its not the kind of podcast where you can expect the two of you to be informed about every issue that comes up…. but it still beibers me to hear liberal media regurgitated through the ignorant masses. Eric Garner died because he was fat. The cop did nothing wrong.
Anyways…. love you guys!
Hi Kenneth, the city medical examiner concluded that Garner was killed by “neck compression, along with the compression of his chest and prone position during physical restraint by police.” Bronchial asthma, heart disease, obesity, and high blood pressure were all ruled contributing factors. The medical examiner, not us, ruled it a homicide. I think we mentioned all of that during the podcast.
Contrary to normal, I actually tried to be informed about this. Ha! 🙂
Greg (@greghao)
I hate to pile on but Kenneth’s post seems to be missing the forest from the trees. Even if Garner’s cause of death was a heart attack, he wouldn’t have gotten the heart attack if he hadn’t been choked by the policeman.
Yeah, if someone robbed someone and the victim died of a heart attack because they were obese and had high blood pressure, I would imagine the robber would be to blame, even though the victim had contributing factors. So the question is whether or not the force used on him was warranted, and that seems to be the main point over which people disagree. Personally, I don’t think it was.
Jason J. Stellman
This one time I shot a guy in the head, but lucky for me the cause of death was that his heart stopped beating. Whew! Close one!
Kenneth Winsmann
I see that you have looked into the case…. But I dont think that you are understanding some of the terminology and facts of the case.
1. In NYC “homocide” is defined as “conduct causing the death of another”. This is homocide in medical terminology not to be confused with the criminal sense. Now, obviously everyone knows that the conduct of the police caused garners health to fail. He didnt just SO happen to have an asthma attack and heart failure at the time of arrest. However, It is important to realize the difference between “homocide” and “murder” or “manslaughter”. The conduct of the police caused his death… But that doesnt make them responsible for his death in a legal sense.
2. Lets talk about “neck compression” and “compression of chest”. You are mistakenly equivocating “neck compression” with “strangled to death”. The officer did not use an illegal chokehold. There is no evidence that garners lack of breath was caused by the hold. (remember he was able to yall 10 times that he couldnt breath…. Which doesnt happen in an actual chokehold) Rather, according to numerous police tacticians and professional martial artists, the chokehold is designed to cause a man to feint by “compression” of neck arteries. It is this compression along with multiple police sitting on the large mans chest that caused him to suffer asthma attacks and eventually heart failure. No normal healthy human being would have died from these completely legal restraining tactics. The man died over an hour later. He was not “strangled to death”.
3. These tactics were not used because he was large and black. They were used because he broke a law that mayor bloomburg determined warranted arrest. Garner resisted arrest. Leaving the police no choice but to take him down. Cops dont go away just because people think laws are stupid. Thats what happens when you have liberal retards in office. You get stupid liberal laws like arresting people for selling loose cigs. Then those same liberal retards get all upset when their own laws are enforced. Dont blame the Cops. Blame the mayor. Blame the resisted of arrest. Then blame the fat unhealthy criminal. Police did nothing wrong what so ever.
Its a tragedy not a hate crime
Greg (@greghao)
le’sigh. if only you won the internet by posting more words. bloomberg may be socially liberal but he is most certainly fiscally conservative.
i leave it to those with a stronger stomach to refute Kenneth’s comment here.
Kenneth, it sounds like we mostly agree on cause of death and probably also that the laws are dumb. I’m not obese (yet), but I have heart disease and high blood pressure. If I decided to go protest and police used excessive force on me, I could have the same thing happen. Fortunately, I’m white, so there’s less of a chance of it. I think what people are mostly upset about is that there are more and more cases of police brutality, or perhaps there are just more and more cases coming to light because of phone cameras; and they seem to be targeted more at minorities. Police know what they can get away with in their departments, what is overlooked, who can be hassled more, etc. It does happen and it is a problem.
I don’t think the force used in Eric Garner’s situation was warranted, and he died from it. I agree that it is a tragedy. I don’t think it was a hate crime, but it could/should have been avoided.
There are a lot of good police officers out there, more than there are bad ones, but it doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t call the bad ones to account. After all, they’re ruining it for the good ones.
The fact that this isn’t even being looked into further than it is could be a sign of the racism our country is infected with. Maybe this instance isn’t a sign of it, but with all of the other signs, it’s hard to ignore.
If you don’t agree, know that I still appreciate your input and the fact that you’re making me think about it.
Kenneth Winsmann
Youre awesome. Excited for the next show
Adam Rust
Jason mentioned in this podcast that our main ability to combat police overstepping their bounds is our ability to record interactions with them. Well, bad news, now even that that avenue is eroding away from us. Earlier this month, a vaugly-worded bill was passed by the Illinois General Assembly that makes it a felony to record an interaction between two or more people, where there is a “reasonable expectation” of privacy. This bill would not only prevent people from being able to record interactions with police, but, it also would prevent police from wearing body cameras. Link here ->
Sweet merciful crap, I hate my state so damn much.
Wow, that sucks. Here is the video I posted on FB that we were talking about in the podcast. I’m not saying I agree with every point the video makes, and it’s a bit inflammatory, but it sure makes you think.
We’re also happy if you want to make a huge donation so we can quit our jobs and do this full time. 🙂
We saw it (ironically) at Mars Hill about 7 or 8 years ago. The director was there answering questions.
Kenneth Winsmann
I would rather hear an expose on Christians “agnosticism”. How can your position be “I dont know” after all your life experience…… Seems odd. Is it a no on Christ but a maybe on everything else?
Interesting video I saw today concerning this topic. Ignore the fact that it’s from a local Fox affiliate, and concentrate on the reaction from the Minister/community activist, and what he says he learned from going through the training – and yes, I know that the police would be better trained for the event.
Stephen Beam (@demosthene1)
Love it. God is bigger than the church. Change mindset.