In this episode of Drunk Ex-Pastors, Christian and Jason go over some new iTunes reviews of the podcast, one of which is two stars and actually ends up being somewhat accurate. They then discuss the new CEO of Sony, Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un. After a discussion about raising money as missionaries, they take on the concept of over criminalization and whether or not less laws would cause everyone to start shooting heroine into their eyeballs. They then take a question about how censored their childhoods were and then another question about whether or not atheists are just as bad as fundamentalist Christians. They then reminisce about a fight they had over a lighter and Christian is biebered by joint Facebook accounts.
Also, they get a voicemail from Satan.
Amen to the Bieber!
I hope you’ll consider doing a podcast where you only talk about how to give money to your podcast and then do an altar call at the end.
If the Lord puts that on our hearts, that’s what we’ll do. We don’t question him.
For next week I think he is putting it on my heart to slaughter a buttload of babies, so.
PS – On an unrelated note, saw the Exodus movie last night!
Ha ha. We need a “like” button for comments.
LOVE the podcasts! Very helpful for a current pastor who wishes he could share this with everyone he knows. I enjoy hearing both of you share your differing views while still respecting each other. Certainly not representative of the sober current pastors I know.
Great podcast! So I was raised to believe in evolution….. and started going to Calvary Chapel at 30……. funny thing is, I distinctly remember as a child believing in God and simply just combining the two and then going back to playing with my Barbies….. God made the Big Bang and created the evolution of the planet, ya know, that the “evolving” was the means by which He did it. Anyway, don’t know why it’s such a thing…… just love listening to you guys, appreciate the perspectives….. Happy Whateverthehellitisyoucelebrate Day!
@christian – you can replace the wordpress comment system with disqus (or livefyre) plugins which allows for up/down voting:
Thanks, Greg! I will check it out.
I am going back to listening to how the other half of your mom podcasts.
Introduced you guys to my wife, while driving northbound on I-75 driving through Florida and into Georgia. She remembers Christian, and laughed out loud at some of your stuff, not sure if she will continue to listen or not.
Good broadcast, although I think you talked too much about the broadcast itself! 😉
Just listening now to ep. 22 and I wanted to point out a few things…
1. while it can be stated that scientists are lionized much the way prophets are in the bible, the fundamental difference is that any of us, given proper training, can duplicate the work that scientists have done to prove their hypothesis. i am not aware of any training that i can undergo which would allow me to perform miracles.
2. most scientists, and not caricatures of said people, would probably say that they are not dogmatic about science and that they welcome the scrutiny of peer review and that one of the fundamental principles of science is the scientific method: the ability for anyone to replicate the results by going through the same process. the same cannot be said of any fundamentalist (be they christian or atheist). i’m reminded of this john maynard keynes quote, “When my information changes, I alter my conclusions. What do you do, sir?”
Regarding the “theory” of evolution, or rather any scientific theory, the usage of the word theory, in science, is very different from how lay people would define it.
How could any other idea of how humans came to be fit into the above definition?
You gotta catch up, dude! We clarify a lot of this over the next two episodes. 🙂
Good comments though. I agree.
lols. it’s hard to find the time to listen when your podcast is like 90 hours each week!
Ha ha! Fair enough. 🙂
Please please please talk about the marriage paradigm!!!!
Ha ha! It’ll come up here and there I’m sure. I just haven’t found marriage to be very conducive for relationships. I’m not a big fan. 🙂