DXP #222 begins with our first ever attempt to call someone back because their voicemail was so confusing (the conversation that ensued was just a tad awkward). We discuss whether it’s still worthwhile to send kids to college, and take another call from a listener who can teach the rest of you a thing or two about using your allotted voicemail time efficiently. We then lament the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh, disagreeing slightly over just how nihilistic and hopeless we should let ourselves become.
Hey guys!
It’s been a while, I hope you are both doing well. Glad to see the podcast is still going strong after all these years! Congratulations.
I’m not gonna lie, at first when I heard y’all bemoan Kavs nomination I felt a kind of winners glee….. but then after a while it just made me sad. I remember what it was like when Obama was in office for me and it sucks feeling like the country is going off the rails.
But the good news for you guys is that it really hasn’t. It just feels that way. In 2008 when Republicans lost their minds after losing power I remember hearing people talk about the country going broke, the deficit was bankrupting everyone, we would all soon be pushing apple carts because there would be no jobs. Obama wasn’t even born in America. Might be a secret Muslim. Healthcare was going down the tubes. Free speech is over. Blah blah blah.
In retrospect all that shit seems ridiculous. I can’t believe how many people were on the insanity bandwagon. I bet if y’all took a step back and really thought about it many of your concerns are in the same boat. Russians everywhere, neonazis, fascists, racists, women raped around every corner. It’s just what happens when your team loses power. It always flips back at some point.
*all* of the Supreme Court justices are old people. Even the “younger ones” people die and get sick all the time. You’re not promised 89 years just because you hit the Supreme Court.
So y’all just relax and try not to sink into the insanity. What seems like a nightmare today you’ll just giggle at in 8 years
I don’t know why Republicans want a bunch of conservatives on the Supreme Court anyway. What will it actually accomplish? It won’t create social change. Younger generations will become more liberal and less religious with every election cycle that passes regardless of who is on the Supreme Court. Old conservatives keep dying off. This administration is the death rattle of the conservative white evangelical minority. They’re dying and good riddance! Just die faster is what I say.