In this episode of Drunk Ex-Pastors, Jason and Christian jump on the Seahawks bandwagon. They lament their failed childhood radio careers. They tell stories of gluttony, obstructive sleep apnea, and mushrooms from the cruise. They talk about how car salesman get revenge for bad reviews. They mock (and refuse) the apology of the punching pastor. They come up with more stereotypes for white people. They discuss whether or not places can be holy or sacred and what that means for Catholics who want to get married on the beach. Jason is biebered by people who are biebered by Michael Moore being biebered by snipers. Christian is biebered by people who donβt recognize that movies are the highest form of art.
Also, is love in the air for Jason and Christian on the high seas? Their cabin boy thinks so.
Kenneth Winsmann
Jason Stellman,
Snipers are bad ass. Your beiber beibers me. Soldiers wounded in battle are absolutely heros. They are not just shooting “people”. They are shooting Islamic extremist that want to kill you and your family. People who shoot up newspapers for insulting comics, blow up planes, and decapitate Christians left and right. These people are evil.
Should we not feel bad for cops who get wounded or killed for shooting at “people” (who sell drugs and murder innocent civilians)?
Jason Stellman
Sorry my bieber biebers you, Kenneth (I knew it would not be my most popular one!). For my part, I wouldn’t be OK with Islamic snipers in this country preemptively shooting our troops from a distance, so, you know, hashtag consistency or whatever.
Greg (@greghao)
As usual, I don’t know how you guys have so much free time to listen! I’m still like a week behind in my podcast. So once again, I’m weighing in not having listened but I wanted to address something you bring up Kenneth, which is the idolization of the military. I know you specifically point out soldiers wounded in battle as heroes but your next sentence just seem to back up this very binary way of viewing the world. Throughout the history of humankind, atrocities have been committed during the course of war. Just as your pointing out their acts of “evil”, the Islamic extremists can point to a litany of sins that the West have visited upon them, most often for a far longer period of time.
I don’t say this to defend their behavior but to say that the world is complicated and shouldn’t we have a more nuanced view of the world?
It’s kind of a lengthy read but I think it’s well worth a read:
Kenneth Winsmann
If you are looking for another job send me an email. I can offer you a pharmaceutical sales contract that pays residual income and takes very little time and effort. I made 10k my first week barely even trying. Let me know.
Ha ha ha!
Kenneth Winsmann
Both you and Jason seem to be presupposing a kind of postmodern relativism when it comes to combat. The attitude of “well from your perspective it’s good but from their perspective it’s bad”.
Different perspectives, cultures, and worldviews do not entail that there is no “right” and “wrong”. Our troops are not always valiant and morally outstanding in their every action…. But they do fight for the people back home. They fight to protect us and advance US interests. I live in the US and happen to believe our interests are “good”. So to me, our troops are heros that deserve the utmost respect.
I think some of the things our military does are great. I think some of it is far less than great. I think some soldiers are heroes and some are monsters. Either way, I think that most people who fight don’t have a say in what the military is doing. I think many of them believe they are doing good and some of them don’t care about doing good. I think our government’s motivations are often suspect and they control the military. I think you can support the military without blindly thinking that anyone who’s injured is a hero. I think you can have a problem with the wars we are involved in and still be thankful to soldiers for their service. I think you can have a problem with propaganda the military puts out and still be patriotic. I think there are many nuances that get ignored on both sides of the argument.
What on earth is wrong with the pastor, and the whole church? If my pastor would have said this on Sunday, I would have looked for him to be replaced, and to ensure that he never served again.
They fight to protect us and advance US interests.
This makes an assumption that every combat action the United States undertakes is a just one or one that protects its own interests. Frankly, that shows a supreme degree of faith in our leaders that I do not share.
There was no legitimate US interest served in overthrowing the Iraqi government. And there was no legitimate interest served in overthrowing the Libyan government.
US soldiers go and fight and die where they are told to go and fight and die. They deserve our respect and sympathy for being willing to fight and die for their country, but they also deserve a populace that is willing to be honest and admit when we have made a tragic mistake, when we have sent them to fight and die for no damn good reason, and to try harder to be critical of our leaders the next time they try to roll out some bullshit propaganda trying to get us all rallied and hot and bothered about the latest “Hitler of the Week”.
It’s a God damned shame that this will never happen in this country.
Kenneth Winsmann
So….. Your answer is “Maybe, maybe not” yet again. Sheesh.
That’s what you got from what I said? Seriously?
I didn’t realize it was either a complete acceptance and support for everything the military does or else wholesale rejection of our military and all who serve. I’m either for them or against them, huh?
Greg (@greghao)
comraderead puts it more eloquently and succinctly than I ever could. Bravo.
Kenneth Winsmann
I was just kidding with you! I like to sneak friendly jabs in every once in a while. I know it’s a complicated issue. I just think that it’s a better option to adopt an attitude of support and compassion when it comes to the armed forces rather than be cynical and all high and mighty. I’m sure the reality is that the military is sprinkled with heros and goons….. But because they are serving US I tend to give them the benefit of the doubt
Jason J. Stellman
Kenneth, I’m at work. Send me the job deets: j(dot)stellman(at)comcast(dot)net.
Ha, Kenneth! So glad you were kidding!
I don’t mind the friendly jabs, as long as I know that’s what they are. π
Kenneth, I’d be curious what you think of this article.
Don Gimble
Just bum stumbled onto your podcast and can’t tell you how much I enjoy listening to your religious view points. I too was captive to some of the strange goings on during the 70’s rapture shit. But worse I ended up in a small christian religious cult of about 2,000 people around spread around the country. I grew up during the sixties “Summer of Love” which sort of prepped me to belief in Utopian type of Christianity. These people were not into the rapture but heavy on the shepherding and dominion concepts and prying into every person’s personal lives. I also became a major player but all along I hid the fact that I really did not believe them or any doctrine at all. I stayed on site working in the administration for eighteen years until it got so weird I finally spoke up and was ostracized because they told me I “liked people to much.” It took three years of therapy and working out in the “World” as you know the phase. I had to be reintroduced to the wild by finding a real job. I ended up handling my PTSD and the nightmares finally stopped after ten years though not completely. Thanks guys, I would tell my friends about your webcast but I only have one friend I made or could even trust. Thanks for making me laugh out loud.
Don, thanks for sharing all that you’ve gone through. Sounds like a crazy adventure to say the least. Glad to have you listening!
70 times 7
What are you living for? What gets you out of bed ever morning?
FMWs I believe.
FMWs? ?
Jason Stellman
Frosted Mini Wheats, obviously….
Whats your passion. What is driving you? What do you think will satisfy your soul. What are you living for?
My passion is life. I love just being alive. I appreciate it every day. I love people and the beauty that can be found in this world. I love to laugh and hear others laugh. I love my family and my friends. They are my passion. My soul is more satisfied than ever.
And when life is over and you are on your death bed what is your hope?
That I lived and loved to the best of my ability and I helped make someone’s life better.