In this edition of Drunk Ex-Pastors (which is perhaps the most entertaining and least substantive one yet), Christian and Jason kick things off with a shot of 100 proof Southern Comfort, and then ramble semi-coherently about everything from the volume of Christian’s vomiting to whether one of them could kill the other without getting caught, and from the silliness of “paying it forward” to whether girls who look like their fathers are hotter than those who resemble their moms. And for the first time they take listener feedback and address one of their detractors. Also, they drink way more than usual.
Well, I’m only wired to be a part of the leisurely class, so.
Thanks for the book recommends. After I finished Bonfire I tried to watch the movie. I dry heaved for like an hour.
At the moment I’m reading Love in the Ruins by Walker Percy, which is a trip. Some real gems in there (if we were friends on Facebook you’d have the privilege of seeing the little excerpts I post).
Gotta go, someone I know asked me to take time off from my landscaping job to perform a triple bypass on them.
@ Eric: Your wife banned you from Facebook? Interesting.
Here’s to Narnia & a broad kingdom 🙂