In this edition of the podcast, Jason and Christian discuss Jason’s lack of proper decorum at the poker table, and then spend the remainder fielding a listener question about the infamous celebrity selfie leak. This topic leads pretty naturally into a discussion of rape culture, during which Christian accuses Jason of contributing to it, thereby displaying his lack of philosophical nuance and sophistication.
Steely who???
I prefer his brother, Alan Dan.
I just listened to a few SD songs. The only one I recognized was Rikki Don’t Lose That Number. Pretty sure that when I should have been being introduced to Steely Dan, I was instead being force-fed Amy Grant, Keith Green, and Silverwind.
Glad you’re enjoying the podcasts, Erik. Thanks for listening!
Wait, sex toys have brothers?
I enjoy being recommended movies, Erik. I will try to check these out. I actually like movies all the way back to the 40’s, so I’m game for just about anything. Jason refuses to watch anything “old,” although I did get him to watch It’s a Wonderful Life last year, which I considered a great victory after 15 years of trying. Now if I can just get him to try a mushroom or an olive…
The best discussion of Rape Culture that I’ve ever heard.
Wow. Thanks, Cory!
Nobody would dream of saying “Hey satirical journalists! Stop drawing cartoons of the prophet if you don’t want to be taken hostage!! You sure asked for it.” where’s the war on rape?
Yeah, no person in their right mind (in my opinion) would say that someone deserved to be killed or asked to be killed for drawing cartoons of the prophet, but a person in their right mind might say, “You should be aware that you are putting yourself in danger from madmen by drawing cartoons of the prophet. It’s not right and that needs to change, but be aware.” I think this is Jason’s point.
You guys completely ratify that line from Jack Nicholson in that movie where he said “a woman is just like a man but without reason or accountability.”