This post-cruise episode of Drunk Ex-Pastors (featuring a slightly under-the-weather Catholic and an at-death’s-door agnostic) begins with a tale about a near-fatal “three-hour tour” and a free lesson in how to make a drug cocktail that sounds delicious and will for sure kill you. We break down Palin’s eloquent endorsement of Donald Trump and then turn our attention to the ongoing armed and illegal occupation of government lands in Oregon by law-abiding patriots, which leads us into a discussion of the role of civil disobedience in America’s history. We then spend some time talking about the miraculous release of American pastor Saeed Abedini from an Iranian prison by Barack Obama and Jesus. Speaking of swarthy people, the Oscars nominated zero of them. We discuss how racist this apparently is, as well as how racist we are when no one’s watching. Christian’s bieber involves David Bowie “putting on his red shoes and dancing the blues” in hell, while Jason is biebered by not being allowed to call the cops on more people.
Also, this episode may seem short, but Jason did edit out about 45 minutes of coughing.
Links from this Episode
That’s the problem with the Academy, no one is required to watch the movies for consideration or even when they’re nominated! It’s purely as an ass kissing endeavor to get Academy votes, which is why Anne Hathaway was so insufferable a few years ago. And since the the Academy is mostly white males over 60, I don’t think they would see “Straight Outta Compton” on their own volition. I’m sure some may be bigots but this aging population is the 60’s generation; I think people still picture the depression era generation runs Hollywood.
• A three-hour tour… thanks, now I’ve got that bloody song stuck in my head.
• “Alright, that’s more like it, now you’re talking! You can do it, mates! I’ve never seen such sailors. Not in all my born days, I ain’t. Naturals! My God, every one of you, naturals…We’re gonna fucking die!”
• Well, the standoff is ending, the leaders are in jail, one is dead, and the rest have disbursed, leaving only a few hold-outs in the building claiming they’ll fight to the death.
• Hey, remember when the cops bombed a residential neighborhood in Philadelphia to kill some black political radicals?
• Not advocating that solution, just pointing out the different approach taken.
• People need to play more video games. You can act out all of your heroic fantasies without accidentally shooting your loved ones.
• Rome was a far greater tyranny than any American government. That was the government Paul told Christians to submit to.
• Everyone should have the right to free speech and the right to worship as they choose, so while he might be imprisoned correctly under the law, it’s an unjust law. That said, there’s nothing America can do to change the laws of every country on Earth.
• There are a lot of people wrongfully imprisoned here in the United States and people who may be wrongfully imprisoned.
• I’ve heard this meme from various atheists:
Imagine three scenarios. A young man is walking down the street and someone pulls a gun and shoots at him.
o If the bullets miss, it’s a miracle and praise be to God.
o If the bullets strike him and paralyze him, then it’s a miracle he survived, God must have something special marked for this young man’s life, praise be to God.
o If the bullets strike him and kill him, well, then God must have wanted another angel in heaven and he’s in a better place now. Praise God.
• Applying that to Sayed, God must have wanted him to endure this trial for years to teach him patience and build his character so he could serve the Lord better now that he’s released. Praise be to God.
• Jason, I think you meant that God doesn’t shift the tectonic plates to create an earthquake, unless there are gay people living in the city.
• You can’t abuse your wife as a Christian, she’s supposed to submit, so any abuse in the home just shows that she’s not being submissive enough to your will, so it’s her sin that is causing the entire problem.
• That was sarcastic, but I’ve seen similar victim blaming from fundamentalists.
• An Oscar party? Seriously, bro, just come out. 🙂
• Being a man who happens to be white, I can honestly say that I’m staying the hell out of the Oscar controversy and I’m letting people who have a dog in this fight have it out.
• Yes, Pootie Tang was a real movie. I have repressed memories of seeing it a long time ago.
• Everyone is a bit racist. Recognizing it within ourselves and choosing to reject it is part of the process of overcoming it.
• Your caller simply doesn’t understand that though torture seems wrong to us and eternal torture seems like a horrific monstrosity that would cause the throne of God to be beset day and night with the tears of the saints begging him to relent, that this is only because we are corrupted by sin and don’t see the bigger picture, and once we do, we, too, shall drink the Kool Aid and rejoice in God’s goodness and justice as He roasts the flesh of sinners like David Bowie with the fires of His wrath forever as we join hands and sing songs as the cries of the damned echo upward.
• “How great is our God”
“Please help me!”
“Sing with me, how great is our God…”
“I’m on fire… it hurts!”
“All will see how great…”
“Water! Please! Just a drop!”
“How great… is our God…”
• Well, if Universalism is true, then why the hell did I show up to church every week? I could have just killed and raped everyone I met… so unfair…
On male female pay equality…. Prager U knocks this one out of the park!!
I lost interest after 30 seconds, the chick in the video isn’t even hot. What was her point? That there are no double standards or something?
She said that the 23 cent pay gap doesn’t account for hours worked (women work 7 hours less than men full time and are more likely to work part-time), long leaves of absence (maternity leave or time off to start a family), occupation, education, or any other relevant factor. Sue points out in the medical field women are more drawn to lower paying positions (pediatrics, nursing, etc.) where as men take whatever pays the most.
She claims that when these factors are all accounted for the pay gap shrinks to insignificance. Her final point is a common sense argument. Recaps something like this:
If employer X can really get away with paying Jill less than Jack for the exact same job and hours…. Wouldn’t employer x fire all the jacks and hire as many Jills as possible?