We start this episode of DXP with a brief discussion of ale, beer, and the White House’s crappy Wi-Fi, after which we take a voice mail from none other than renowned physicist Stephen Hawking whose mother, we hope, he doesn’t kiss with that mouth. We wrap up our in-depth report on whether it’s OK for white people to dislike Cam Newton, and speaking of wrapping, Christian surprises Jason with some birthday gifts live on the air. We then turn our attention to the plethora of high-budget Christian movies that are premiering soon, even vowing to watch some of them (for a price). We take another call from a listener who argues that yes, there are just as many nutjobs on the Left as there are on the Right (which, we carefully explain, is ridiculous), after which Christian offers a response to Jason’s challenge in last week’s “Pagan Repent!” segment. Finally, in our “Feeding Friendsy” portion of the show we break down the controversy involving black women and their audacity in drawing attention to what it’s like to be women who are black (after which we listen to some good old fashioned non-activist music like Springsteen and Dylan).
Also, we’ve seen a tiny-ass .22 round nose drop a nigga plenty of days, man.
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I think its halarious that you guys have been targeted by the PC police. Liberal on liberal crime!!!
List of leftist wackos
1. Supporters of partial birth abortion: NOT benign. (IMO supporters of abortion in general)
2. Black panthers… NOT benign.
3. Black lives matter rioters (Baltimore, Missouri, etc. etc.) NOT benign.
4. Eco-terrorists NOT benign. (46 terrorist incidents in 2000-2005 according to the FBI)
We can do this all day. Extremists on every side and if we go outside the US and include socialist countries from the last hundred years the body count reaches HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS. Numbers that would make ISIS blush.
Decent show, but you spent too much time pandering to the PC police. Nothing will make them happy.
Random Thoughts:
• If we have a priest bless a box of communion wafers, could we reassemble Jesus and inadvertently cause the Second Coming and the Apocalypse?
• I think if I possessed a brilliant mind in a completely useless body, there would be nothing but hard core profanity coming from my electronic voice synthesizer.
• No. Jesus Christ, it’s over. Football is over. Stop fucking talking about Cam fucking Newton.
• Soccer isn’t a white thing to do, it’s a masochistic thing to do, like cutting just to feel something. Get help. Please.
• Birthdays: the annual reminder that you are one year closer to your inevitable and unavoidable demise.
• I think you’re next “dick move, God” should involve the lovely gift of death and the painful deterioration that precedes it.
• I’m so white, police are actually professional and courteous to me when they pull me over and don’t shoot their guns.
• Guys, there are NINE MORE MONTHS LEFT in this fucking election. It’s not related to anything you saying right now, but, seriously…. NINE FUCKING MONTHS… No… just no… electing a president should not be a two year long death march.
• I don’t think humility is all that prized. There is a strain of our American culture that celebrates crassness, the loud, the angry, and arrogant. Donald Trump, reality TV, the braying about American exceptionalism and how we’re the greatest country on Earth. There seems to be an epidemic of pride in our nation and I wonder why the clergy doesn’t focus on that sin, actually, I don’t. Focusing on pride or greed as opposed to sex or even along with sex would earn them significantly more pushback from the powerful and might cost them something.
• I think the counter-criticism of Peyton Manning now is that he probably used HGH and allegedly sexually assaulted a woman by shoving his dick in her face as a college player.
• “If I die, tell my wife I said, ‘Hello.’”
• You mean, people get angry when you cast doubt on their cherished beliefs about a beloved cultural icon? The hell, you say?
• Bibleman… My power is to quote scriptures at villains! “Ho, villain. Drop those bags of cash. For God did say, “Thou shalt not steal!” BLAM! Thus ended the short career of Bibleman.
• Don’t be fooled. Even if the quality looks good, the message is going to be abhorrent.
• Oh, goody, more posts and tweets in my social media telling me God isn’t dead. I’m sure that’ll bring loads of comfort to the pediatric cancer ward. “Look, Timmy, God’s not dead, he’s just not answering your prayers because he’s an asshole.”
• “90 minutes in Heaven”… they won’t even need to change the title for the porn parody and most people will never see the last 86 minutes of it.
• “Heavenly Father, just, Lord, we thank you, Jesus for everything, Father”… but, uh, you know, when liturgical congregations recite prayers it’s wrong because it’s ‘vain repetition’.
• As I understand them, Anonymous are more libertarian or anarchic than left wing.
• You know the Occupy Wall Streeters didn’t have? Guns. You know what they didn’t say, “Try to move us and we’ll kill you.”
• Zika virus stuff is anti-vaxxers. The lovely people who are bringing back mumps and measles and fuck those people.
• The things I haven’t liked by the Left this week involve the glee on the part of some over the death of Scalia. I disagreed with him politically and no doubt some people have been hurt by his decision, but the man was also a husband, father, grandfather, friend, and fellow human being. You can be happy that he will be replaced on the court, but we shouldn’t delight in the death of a man, even if you believed him to be wicked.
• I think the theme is more important than the veracity of individual passages within the bible.
• Because, let’s be honest, the bible is not a perfect book. It’s not perfectly clear. It was written by men. The Jews had divisions between their rabbis, the early Christians similarly were divided by certain points of theology. They argued over canon. Different groups had different canon. To try and pretend that the bible can be read by anyone literally and properly understood is foolish. But I think anyone can suss out some of the basic themes of the bible. The bible is part of our record of trying to understand God, nature, the universe, the problem of evil, and death.
• Ultimately, I think Hebrews 1:1 puts it best. God spoke to us in various visions, mysticisms, prophetical ravings, and mysteries, but in these last days, he has spoken to us through his Son.
• We should have checked the English to Wingnutese dictionary first. Then we would have realized that “Please act professionally and stop harassing, hitting, and shooting unarmed black people” when translated into Wingnutese is “Fuck the police! Screw you all, die, give up your guns and police with nice words instead!”
I’ll agree with you about one thing, and that’s the PC Police. I find it most interesting in the world of comedy. Comedians — who are almost universally liberal — are constantly scolded for not being PC enough, which is why Seinfeld won’t even play universities anymore.
Both I and we have faced this, and are facing it even now. It’s frustrating and bizarre.
Its amazing how easily offended some people are. George Washington owned slaves. That’s pretty offensive. We should rename the capital and make every town and news paper with his name on it rebrand. Washington and Lee University is offensive on crack by liberal standards. Oklahoma means “red people” in a local native american language. We should change that too. Also San Francisco, San Bernardino, Corpus Christi, Saint Luis, etc should all be rebranded. Too offensive. Give me a break!!! You will never get rid of this problem with the liberal audience. Gonna need thick skin (like that’s a problem for you at this point!)
But about this benign thing. Hillary and Bernie are both supportive of partial birth abortion. The practice of ramming sciccors in the brain of a partially born child on its due date. How can you stomach this kind of moral idiocy? Do you really think that’s benign? And why don’t you count aggressive Black’s as extreme liberals? Or eco bombers? How do you classify all this?
I’d be curious to see the stats on how many scissor-rammings there are per year into due-date babies’ brains. Any idea? Around 750?
For my part that is 750 too many, but that number pales to those of other atrocities that the GOP supports. Just saying.
Most D&X procedures (“partial birth abortion”) are done between weeks 20-24 (not on “the due date”), and overall are a very low percentage (under 1%) of the total abortions, and while I don’t think abortions should be done after fetal viability, claiming that as leftist violence is begging the question, as Jason likes to say.
No. Jesus Christ, it’s over. Football is over. Stop fucking talking about Cam fucking Newton.
Can we talk about Peyton Manning now? We have great need to criticize someone white!
When the only thing that gets more pushback than telling parents to murder their children is disliking Cam Newton. 😛
I would also probably guess that of those women whose doctors do approve or recommend later term abortions, it’s not because they want to use abortion as birth control, it’s because there is a problem in the pregnancy.
Sure. I just feel like I’ve been hearing nothing but Cam everywhere for weeks.
How many conservatives are forming militias and taking over land like in Oregan? Maybe you think liberalism is the lesser of two evils. That’s fine. But that’s saying something different than “our extremists are benign while yours are violent”. So let’s not move the goal posts. Further, zero of the current GOP candidates support the Oregan extremists while BOTH Bernie and Hillary have consistently voted for NO LIMIT abortion. That’s extreme and very much not benign.
Anyways, I was just curious as to how you categorized these things? Were you aware of them when you said liberals don’t have violence (categorizing these in some way other than liberal) or was it just an oversight?
I don’t think it is begging the question. For one, we are talking about extremists, so it doesn’t matter what percentage of abortions this makes up. Obviously most women have the character not to kill their children full term. Most politicians do too (except Hillary and Bernie). Further Hillary and Bernie don’t think there should be ANY limits of ANY kind on the abortion timeline. They have both continuously voted FOR partial birth abortion and against time tables on abortion of any kind whatsoever. Finally, there is no serious moral debate that a baby whom is old enough to be BORN should not have it’s brains ripped out by a doctor as soon as mommy sees the head. That’s disgusting and well beyond the usual “is it really a person when its a zygote” controversy.
I’ve never even met a real live person who supports partial birth abortion. I only see them on TV when the DNC has a presidential debate.
Are we going to hear about Peyton next week? http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/king-peyton-manning-squeaky-clean-image-built-lies-article-1.2530395
Trust me, I feel your pain.
This seems like one of those things where one side might be being mischaracterized. If you asked Bernie if it’s OK to pull a baby out on it’s due date by the feet and ram scissors into it’s head, I can’t imagine him being OK with that. If you ask him if some late-term abortions 20-24 weeks should be allowed, he would probably say it should be up to the woman. I’m guessing those two things get packaged together and suddenly Bernie wants to kill babies 1 second before they’re born. I could be wrong, but that’s my guess.
Also, characterizing Bernie as “pro-abortion” seems unfair to me as well. No one likes abortion. He would say he’s not pro abortion, he’s pro women’s right to choose. I’m not saying that makes him right, but saying that Hillary and Bernie have the character of people who want to kill their children full term is pretty disingenuous. That’s what I meant by “begging the question” as well. Claiming that extremists on the left are as bloodthirsty as extremists on the right because of abortion begs the question as to whether or not abortion is murder.
As an aside, even if Bernie votes for late term abortions, there would be far less abortions under a Bernie Sanders presidency than there would be under a Ted Cruz presidency. I know we’ve talked about this before, but I see someone like Jason voting for someone like Bernie Sanders as expedient if he’s anti-abortion.
Well, I understand that in congress votes don’t always mean what they appear to me. But Bernie voted “no” to a bill that banned partial birth abortion except if the life of the mother was in danger. That means he thinks its OK if mother and baby are both healthy and mommy just wants baby pulled out and executed. That’s gross dude. That’s very gross. To put it in context in the early 2000s some 3k partial birth abortions were performed per year. Between 20 and 26 weeks like you said. The vast majority of these cases had healthy mothers and healthy babies. That sickened most of the citizens and most of the government so they voted to stop it unless there was an emergency. Bernie voted no. Lol that is a lack of character and common sense. Very poor judgement.
Do you know a real life person who doesn’t think a 26 week old baby isn’t really a person? I don’t know any. Again, I only see people like that on TV. The abortion debate can be interesting and confusing. But there is no serious abortion debate on 26 week old babies getting scissors rammed into their skulls. That argument is only for extremists and DNC presidential candidates.
I remember Jason saying that a Bernie Presidency would mean less abortions…. I respect that opinion. I don’t think its true, but its a decent response. (See Argentina’s law against abortion and the very few women who have had a back alley abortion in response). But this isn’t about who to vote for. This is about leftism being benign. Partial birth abortion is not debatable IMO. Its gross, and evil, and certainly not benign
There are cases where a fetus is functionally dead or has a severe birth defect that will prevent it from ever being viable and sentence it to a very short life filled with agony.
The mother’s life is not in danger, but I wouldn’t stop a woman and her doctor from choosing abortion to end the pregnancy, even if it were in the second or third trimester.
Yes, obviously if the baby is already dead that’s a different situation. Lol are y’all really trying to justify partial birth abortion? Its like meeting a Nazi supporter.
I would point out that it is more benign to take the position of allowing a total stranger to do something that I disagree with on the one hand, and arming myself hoping for a shoot-out on the other.
The former is completely passive, such that if women could be convinced not to have any abortions, or if economic conditions lessened the “need” for them, then my position could remain unchanged while abortions would steeply decline.
But the same is not true of the extremists on the Right. They are not simply sitting back believing in the 2nd Amendment for others, they are locked and loaded and calling others to civil war.
So the analogy is completely flawed.
I’m saying that while I am not a doctor, I very must doubt the procedure wasn’t dreamed up by cackling doctors in a dark basement with esoteric geometry, sigils, and a pentagram embedded in the floor while monks chanted and Beelzubub appeared in a cloud of smoke.
And I have a difficult time imagining that a woman would go through five to nine months of a pregnancy and then go, “Welp, guess I’m off to kill my baby today! Maybe I’ll get a latte afterwards before I go back to having unprotected sex!”
Maybe there were a few like that, but I’ve read anecdotes from women who have had the procedure, and I would guess that most women opting for a late term abortion (when it was legal) had a medical reason for it beyond “I thought I wanted to be a mommy for eight months, but now I don’t.”
Maybe some of the reasons for it wouldn’t pass scrutiny ethically or morally, and that is a worthy discussion. But automatically assuming that anyone who would opt for the procedure is a Nazi is rather uncharitable.
There is a difference that deserves a distinction, but even with that in place we aren’t dealing with something benign. And I’m pretttttty sure the riots in Baltimore fail to meet if your distinction anyways.
We haven’t had a “charitable” depiction of conservatives or fundamentalist in months so to hell with that standard.
I have a hard time believing people would molest their children or dump them in garbage cans but that’s reality. The fact is that most partial birth abortions were performed on healthy mother’s with healthy babies. Bernie and Hillary like it that way. He voted AGAINST a bill saying that partial birth abortion should only be done in the case of an emergency or if the life of the mother was in jeopardy. He is a moral idiot. Period.
So taking some time to look up more on the topic.
“According to the Alan Guttmacher Institute, an abortion-rights research group that conducts surveys of the nation’s abortion doctors, about 15,000 abortions were performed in the year 2000 on women 20 weeks or more along in their pregnancies; the vast majority were between the 20th and 24th week. Of those, only about 2,200 D&X abortions were performed, or about 0.2 percent of the 1.3 million abortions believed to be performed that year.
And contrary to the claims of some abortion opponents, most such abortions do not take place in the third trimester of pregnancy, or after fetal “viability.” Indeed, when some members of Congress tried to amend the bill to ban only those procedures that take place after viability, abortion opponents complained that would leave most of the procedures legal.”
“…Ron Fitzsimmons, executive director of the National Coalition of Abortion Providers, estimated that in the majority of cases, the procedure is performed on a healthy mother and healthy fetus that is 20 weeks or more along in development.
Yet the procedure is also performed in cases where the woman’s health is at risk, or when the fetus shows signs of serious abnormalities, some of which don’t become apparent until late in pregnancy.
Take, for example, cases in which the fetus develops hydrocephalus (commonly known as water on the brain). Often undetectable until well into the second three months of pregnancy, the condition causes enlargement of the skull up to two-and-a-half times its normal size. It not only results in severe brain damage to the fetus, it can also create severe health risks to the mother if she tries to deliver it vaginally.
Some doctors say D&X abortion is a preferable method for ending such pregnancies without damaging the woman’s cervix. Those in the anti-abortion camp, however, argue that the procedure is never medically necessary, noting that enough fluid can be drained from hydrocephalus babies in the womb to ensure a safe delivery.
Indeed, many abortion opponents believe even severely deformed fetuses should be delivered regardless of their prospects for a healthy life.
“We don’t believe that sick babies — babies with disabilities — should be pulled out by the legs and struck through the head,” Right to Life’s Johnson told The New Republic. “We believe they should live out their life — whether it’s a few minutes or six hours.””
I find the process disgusting, but no more disgusting than the traditional method of dissection and extraction. The Anti-abortion propaganda I had grown up hearing and believing had me thinking that these were viable babies that could be delivered, but the heartless bitch of a mother and her Satanic baby killing doctor decided to kill it anyway because EVIL.
But it appeared to be a small percentage of abortions, rarely a third trimester occurrence, (contrary to my assertion,) it was used electively primarily in the second trimester, but was sometimes used for a valid medical reason.
All in all, I find the idea of the procedure repulsive, but no more repulsive than the more traditional abortion procedure, so I’m not sure why banning one method of abortion and leaving the other legal would be a mark of moral superiority, if one honestly believes that a zygote is a fetus is a baby.
I am not saying PBA is benign, I am saying that not thinking abortion should be illegal is not the same as stabbing a newborn with scissors. So extremists on the Left are not violent in the way extremists on the Right are (even when they’re equally extreme).
So if I voted to not ban Hitler from creating concentration camps that’s not the same thing as actually putting Jews in the gas chamber? That’s just a liberal way of not getting your hands dirty.
The support of PBA has no equivalent on the right. But ecoterrorist bombings, black panthers, and Baltimore riots do have their mirror on the right
Its worse because merely the “vast majority” of cases were performed before the third trimester. Bernie doesn’t care if its a third trimester. He wants no limit. So does Hillary. Anyways, any and all honest people recognize that a twenty four week old baby is non controversially murder. In an honest moment I will grant that embryos and 4 week old babies are a little more difficult to make the case for. But 24 weeks and all arguments are just ridiculous.
To illustrate the point, here is a picture of a happy, non bloody, living “non person” and 24 weeks old
“Also, characterizing Bernie as “pro-abortion” seems unfair to me as well. No one likes abortion.”
That’s actually not true. There is a growing movement on the far Left to stop referring to abortion negatively. They even critize politicians, such as Hillary Clinton, who say that “abortions should be safe, legal, and rare“. See here for an example: http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/jul/09/hillary-clinton-abortion-legal-but-rare
And here is an example of people on the Left actually calling themselves “pro-abortion”: http://www.salon.com/2015/04/24/i_am_pro_abortion_not_just_pro_choice_10_reasons_why_we_must_support_the_procedure_and_the_choice/
Funny. When I wrote that, I almost went back and changed “no one” to “hardly anyone” because I thought to myself, “someone is going to come along and point to some fringe group that claims to like abortion.” Then I thought to myself, “nah, they’ll understand what I’m saying.”
“Heavenly Father, just, Lord, we thank you, Jesus for everything, Father”… but, uh, you know, when liturgical congregations recite prayers it’s wrong because it’s ‘vain repetition’.
Ha! Amen.
The things I haven’t liked by the Left this week involve the glee on the part of some over the death of Scalia.
This had me particularly biebered this week. I really enjoyed reading the stories of the friendship between him and Justice Ginsburg. She even mentioned how much she valued his proof reading of her court opinions, providing feedback to shore up her arguments (ones he didn’t actually hold to himself!). Definitely a model of how to have a relationship with someone you disagree.
Yes please!
I agree Cam has plenty to be criticized for, however I feel the criticism has been greatly overblown in degree. While I like Peyton, I feel the desire to lash out at everyone else’s favorite QB. Sexual assault and sending goons to intimate a whistle blowers parents in an attempt to protect one’s image really puts Cam’s immaturity issues in perspective. (Also I particularly enjoyed pointing out to my cousin, who is a Steeler fan, how much classier his QB is with a couple of allegations of rape.)
Think again!
The conversation was revolving around extremists. And the criticism of Clinton over the “rare” part is pretty loud in the progressive/feminist crowd. Maybe I have more, both in quantity and quality, progressive friends on FB than you?
Yay 3 podcasts talking about the Carolina Panthers! I agree with one of your callers, I just want my team to be relevant on the national stage.
Hardly anyone supports the people in Oregon either. We’re talking about extremists. Its all fair game.
But your research proved that guess wrong. Healthy babies with healthy Mommy’s. Scissors to the brain. But its rare so that’s fine lol
You guys are missing my point. I’m not saying there aren’t extremists. I’m saying that most people who believe the right to choose should be between a woman and her doctor aren’t “pro-abortion.” You make it sound like people like Bernie Sanders wanna kill as many of those little babies as they possibly can.
Yes, in the post where I cited the NPR article, I said that I was incorrect in my assumption. I was also incorrect in my assumption that this was something that happened mostly in the third trimester.
This was an alternative method of abortion.
While grisly, I guess I’m still not seeing why it is any more grisly than the current methodology they use.
I’m not saying that he wants as many of those little babies killed as possible, he just doesn’t support any legislation that would directly influence a woman’s decision at all (be it restrictions, ultrasounds, or the providing of information about the decision). While he may support programs that would relieve forces that may positively affect the abortion numbers over all, I’m not sure he cares if the numbers are actually affected at all. As far as I can tell, Bernie has never met an abortion he doesn’t like. If he is like these other progressives I linked to, the decision to kill an unborn child is completely amoral. There is no good or bad abortion; it is simply another decision a woman makes such as what color shirt she is going to wear. And the government’s only interest in it should be to make sure the right is safely available.
I don’t care if 3rd trimester abortions are done only once a year legally – the problem is that it is LEGAL at all any where in this country. “Hey what are you worried about? We only intentionally kill one innocent person a year!”
Not to talk more about Cam Newton, but I did find it interesting that for all the talk of postmodernism on your podcast you guys had zero trouble labeling certain virtues, personalities, and aspects of culture as objectively good and others as objectively bad. Seems inconsistent to me. Are these virtues just preferences that you accidently spoke about in objective terms? Or do you actually have access in some sense to an object frame of reference? =)
Oh, and did you see the Pope’s latest statements when asked about Trump’s political views concerning boarder fences?
I think mostly what I said was that I find displays of arrogance and ego to be distasteful. I also said at one point that I think that most people find those things distasteful. (Unless there’s some subjective bias involved, of course.)
As an aside, I don’t think you’ve heard me talk about postmodernism at all, other than maybe asking Jason to define it. I may have acted in a postmodern way without knowing it, but I’m mostly unfamiliar with the whole concept.
Ha ha! Did you see Trump’s response?
“In response to the Pope:
If and when the Vatican is attacked by ISIS, which as everyone knows is ISIS’s ultimate trophy, I can promise you that the Pope would have only wished and prayed that Donald Trump would have been President because this would not have happened. ISIS would have been eradicated unlike what is happening now with our all talk, no action politicians.
The Mexican government and its leadership has made many disparaging remarks about me to the Pope, because they want to continue to rip off the United States, both on trade and at the border, and they understand I am totally wise to them. The Pope only heard one side of the story – he didn’t see the crime, the drug trafficking and the negative economic impact the current policies have on the United States. He doesn’t see how Mexican leadership is outsmarting President Obama and our leadership in every aspect of negotiation.
For a religious leader to question a person’s faith is disgraceful. I am proud to be a Christian and as President I will not allow Christianity to be consistently attacked and weakened, unlike what is happening now, with our current President. No leader, especially a religious leader, should have the right to question another man’s religion or faith. They are using the Pope as a pawn and they should be ashamed of themselves for doing so, especially when so many lives are involved and when illegal immigration is so rampant.
Donald J. Trump”
Questioning someone’s personal faith is disgraceful? I guess he means like this:
Yeah, mostly directed at Jason.
Besides Trump, in my view, declared himself not a Christian when he said: “Why do I have to repent or ask for forgiveness, if I am not making mistakes?” I don’t want to presume about Trump’s soul or put limits on the mercy of God, but being unrepentant is not particularly in line with Christianity.
Ha ha. That’s awesome.
Well, just because I am pretty postmodern doesn’t mean I am not also a Catholic. So I see no necessary conflict between digging Mary while thinking Cam is a tool.
Kidding aside, while I do think that all claims are situated claims made by situated subjects who are embedded in a specific cultural context, that doesn’t mean that I can’t also think that arrogance is a vice and humility is a virtue.
That’s all I’m saying.
It isnt more “grisly” in reality. Its all completely atrocious. The difference is its more difficult for “pro baby murder” democrats to pretend there is something other than a baby in the womb. The whole industry depends heavily upon people looking the other way while the doctors do *something* to the *something* in their stomach. Which is why liberals generally hate it when prolife advocates put up pictures of the babies being chopped up. They like to imagine a tiny embryo. They like to have abstract conversations about when a microscopic germ becomes a baby. Thought experiments like the one you suggested… Would you rather rescue a preschool or an embryo clinic from fire etc…. The REALITY of what abortion looks like in practice is too much truth. It doesn’t make people feel good, and thus, its not a liberal policy.
Truth is not a liberal value. Making people feel good is a top priority. In fact, its the majority of the DNC platform.
So it’s looking increasingly like we’ll be having Trump as the GOP nominee. Any thoughts on that from the resident conservatives?