In this episode of Drunk Ex-Pastors, Christian gives Jason a very special gift (hint: it's small, sings like a little Canadian boy, and you put it in your mouth); we take feedback from a female listener who is frustrated by her former time in the church when all her "sisters in Christ" thought she wanted to steal their husbands; we delve into the issue of language and labels, focusing on whether and when it's OK to use "the N-word" as well as whether jokingly labeling stuff "gay" or "retarded" is a retarded, gay thing to do; Jason bitches about his culinary needs never being met, while we hoist a poignant shot which Christian saved for the very end of the show. … [Read more...]
More Air Travel Biebers
I’ve already mentioned two aspects of air travel that bieber* me. (Anyone know how to get Microsoft Word to stop capitalizing the verb “bieber?”). One is people clogging up the baggage claim, seemingly concerned that if they don’t claim their space of the luggage carousel, then someone else might get their own bag before they get theirs. The other is overly talkative passengers who don’t seem to understand that having your ear plugs in is the international sign for “I don’t want to hear about how you’re an oil drill operator and you married your brother’s wife’s sister and are flying up to move in with her and her three kids…and that you’re an oil drill operator…and that there is some side-boob across the aisle.” Ok, the side boob was … [Read more...]
Podcast #2: Michael Brown, Right vs Left, and the Rapture
In this episode, Jason and Christian discuss the shooting of Michael Brown, the unarmed black teen who was shot in the back and head by a white police in Ferguson, MO, last week; they explore the issue of whether people on the right are more ideologically driven than those on the left, who tend to be more pragmatic; they roll up their religious sleeves and dig into the nuts and bolts of the Rapture and its accompanying apocalyptic doomsday prophecies (during which hilarity cannot but ensue); and Jason complains about Hollywood’s over-sensationalizing of bathroom murders, while Christian moans about pushy salespeople and how they not only make him feel heartless but also cause him to publicly lament his years and years of poor … [Read more...]
Podcast #1: The American Work Ethic, ISIS, and Irrelevant Traffic Laws
In this episode, Jason and Christian discuss the American attitude toward work and compare it to that of other cultures (as in, why do we live to work while people in other cultures work to live?); they talk about the horrific actions of the Islamic group ISIS and attempt to distinguish fact from fiction regarding the worldwide persecution of Christians -- is it fair to call the denial of special treatment for American believers "persecution" while in the Middle East Christians are having their heads chopped off?; Christian vents about how pissed off he gets at the way air travelers conduct themselves at the luggage carousel; Jason bemoans how beholden humans are to machines as well as explains why most traffic laws don’t apply to him. And … [Read more...]