This episode of Drunk Ex-Pastors begins with a voicemail reminding us how annoyed people get when we have feelings. We then tackle the issue of what does and does not constitute a spoiler (and what the statute of limitations on spoiling stories is). After revisiting the Pokémon Go craze we spend some time being annoyed with Dennis Prager’s comparison of capitalism and socialism (you’ll never guess which one makes people selfishly want to capitalize [ahem] on the weakness of others). Jason gives us an update on his book and in so doing discusses the issues of smug certainty vs. agnosticism. In our “Feeding Friendsy” segment Christian explains why Jesus hates black people, and our “Dick Move, God” portion of the show features a young man whose relationship with his father has become a tad strained of late (can’t figure out why). Christian is biebered by elevator etiquette, while Jason’s bieber involves the nocturnal goings-on in the homes of TV families.
Also, we’ve read to the end of Game of Thrones, and the White Walkers totally win.
• The world is horrible fucking place.
• As I continue to watch the news, I am increasingly of the opinion that if Satan ever existed, he found himself out of a job long ago, as humanity surpassed the old devil in vileness, cruelty, baseness, and destruction.
• Apple TV. There’s your problem.
• “It’s a new stein where when you fill it, there’s an image of Golgotha with Jesus on the cross shotgunning a beer.”
• La lana lana bo bana…
• I’m in a kilt right now. Commando. Yeah….
• I’m good with spoilers. I actively seek them out before I see a movie. Doesn’t detract from my enjoyment of it. But, generally, I’d say you get one month. Tops. After a month, it’s on you. If it’s really that important to you, make some goddamn time in the month to watch it.
• Personally, I think that would be a great ending. Everyone dies tragically, the bad guys win, the world is plunged into 1,000 years of death, cold, and darkness. Because everyone was horrible to each other always.
• A new, more cynical nihilistic metaphor: Pokemon Go is like religion. You spend the fleeting moments of your life distracted chasing imaginary creatures around for no reason missing the beauty and wonder of the world. And while some unrelated benefits may accrue, you may also simply step off the precipice into the dark, black maw of the void waiting to claim us all.
• Probably… probably should up my antidepressant dose.
• The world would be a better place if people were like me and did the things I thought they should do. 🙂
• What would a convincing virtual universe like that mean for theology? If we could create one with convincing NPCs with fake lives and fake ‘memories’, so that we could no longer distinguish between what is ‘real’ and what is ‘fake’, how would that affect our view of reality? Of God? We would have mimicked God. God could be a fallible programmer of a construct in which we are but preprogrammed NPCs doing what the designer wrote us to do.
• I think that’s how the Matrix should have ended. Matrices within matrices. Zion is just one more level up.
• This video is going to really piss me off, isn’t it?
• Objectivists view capitalism as based on selfishness and to a degree it is. It is a highly efficient economic system distributing goods and services and money very easily amongst people. Socialism is not based on selflessness, however. It is the recognition that economic efficiency is not the sole virtue in a society and that there are some things that should not be bought and sold, but managed cooperatively between people in a society.
• Yeah, fuck those college kids for wanting to be able to see a doctor without going bankrupt. Selfish pricks.
• Yeah, in my day, when I went to college full time, I worked two full time jobs with no benefits and I contracted polio and I liked it, damn it.
• Which is why kids should start working full time at 5.
• 21 years old, no health insurance. Got the flu. Needed to see a doctor. Paid out of pocket. I went hungry until payday.
• If young people are living longer at home these days, it’s because they can’t afford homes thanks to capitalism.
• Yeah, I really want to give up my job for that sweet, sweet $137 a week I can get for food from the state of CA, plus a meager housing assistance, all of which expires in two years.
• Yeah, damn it. We want our workers to come in sick because they can’t take a day off and spread their diseases! Bacteria lives matter!
• Curse those selfish bastards wanting to take time off from their jobs to see their families!
• Jesus, just squat on the factory floor, pop that kid out and get back to work, you lazy harlots.
• No, man. If you can’t make it on your own, you should fucking die. That’s the good capitalist way. You’re a resource, not a person.
• Where is the gratitude to America from the rich that move their funds offshore to avoid taxes?
• There will always be winners and losers in capitalism. And the more of a winner you are, the more you can influence the system to get more. And the more of a loser you are in the game, the less power you have to climb back up.
• Capitalism is efficient. Socialism cleans up Capitalism’s mess. You should have both.
• Yeah, I’m starting to feel like Donald Trump will win. Lots of angry, irrational white folks out there worried about losing their power and privilege and willing to buy into a two bit huckster con artist’s promises of the land of Goshen.
• Which would all be perfectly fine if they weren’t going to hand Derp Fuhrer nuclear weapons.
• The RNC… look, man, you didn’t miss much. Just imagine if all of the posts in your Feeding Friendsy segment came to life, wore suits and screamed to a gathering of really angry people that they’re living in the post-apocalypse and only an authoritarian orange strongman can save them.
• President for Life Generalissimo Trump is totally going to have me killed.
• Grace perfects nature. Take a shot.
• Rounding up people, purging the civil service, favored by white supremacists for holding their political beliefs, the general tenor of anger and rage at his party meetings, his ties to an authoritarian dictator in Russia, Trump may not be Hitler, but he’s a bit closer to that line than I care for.
• Ethnic and religious cleansings still happen today. ISIS is one example of a group actively engaging in it. The human heart doesn’t change. All it takes is fear. Fear of the Other. Fear of Authority. Fear of coercion. And people will go along with it. Not all people, but sometimes it will be enough.
• Hitler was going to make the Fatherland great again.
• Given our culture and our propensity to shrug off regular acts of horrific violence, I think the more realistic slogan for America would be “No lives matter.”
• I think the police also are being asked to do more and more in our society to make up for the loss of other social workers. Why are the police the first responders to mental health issues? Why don’t we have mental health workers available to go on scene, defuse the situation, and only call for the police when the situation gets out of hand?
• Kill nature before nature kills you.
• Isaac should have had a clue that Abe wasn’t exactly overly attached to his kids when he sent Ishmael and his mom out to the desert with insufficient provisions to survive.
I haven’t listened to the podcast yet….
But JUST when I was resigning my self to a pic of Kingery on my head….
Ready Player One … amazing book, can wait for the movie! Have you guys read Cline’s next book, Armada? That’s a good one as well! I think they already sold the movie rights to it.
PS Love how Christian pronounces Pikachu!
Oh so it’s eight million now? Is that so when the inevitable discount is acknowledged, it will come back to the sacrosanct six million?
Gonna need some context on this one…
Christian — at 1:11:10. He says it also in episode 100 around 1’41”. But from a google search, I can’t find where the holy six has been bumped up to eight.