Episode #136 begins with a caller’s attempt to put Jason in a moral dilemma, which fails because he doesn’t really pay attention to morals all that much. We then get marriage advice from a well-meaning listener and somehow find ourselves on a rabbit trail pertaining to the relationship between music and language. We weigh in on the current refugee crisis and tackle the conspiracy theory about Obama seeking to sabotage Trump (while kitesurfing in the Caribbean, apparently). We then heed the solemn warnings of the Holocaust Museum which basically call Trump Hitler 2.0. Christian’s “Feeding Friendsy” segment focuses on our president’s Twitter account, and meanwhile Jason is biebered by crap music producers, while Christian shares a listener’s bieber about traffic signals.
Also, just because Christian won’t gaymarry Jason, if Ryan Gosling were available then all bets may be off…
• And isn’t taking the money and ignoring the sin true Catholicism?
• Look, most of what makes money in the publishing business is complete and utter crap. Twilight… Fifty Shades of Grey… Left Behind… just embrace being a hack, write a shitty airport novel, and the universe being what it is, it will probably make more money than Jason’s. lol
• Key-tar. Key-tar. Key-tar…
• And you can file jointly and get better tax breaks.
• The process to vet a refugee takes two years. It’s not simply asking, “Hey, are you a terrorist? No? Okay, come on in.”
• Trump can best keep America safe by resigning.
• And lo, Jesus did say, “I haveth mine. Go fuck thyself, refugee scum.”
• I partially disagree. The fundamentalists do hate liberal societies. But yes, we do bring more trouble on ourselves with our actions.
• If you want someone to blame for the total capture of our foreign policy with regards to Israel, look no further than Evangelical Christians who are so enamored with their End Times fantasies that they’re willing to overlook horrible human rights violations even against their brothers and sisters in the Coptic church.
• I have a problem with walls because they can keep people in as well as out.
• Also, I’m pretty sure since the Ottomans introduced cannons into modern Western Warfare, that walls are pretty useless in keeping people out.
• I think many people would enjoy a fascist America, so long as only the ‘right’ sort of people were the ones oppressed and/or killed. I think many would go along with it just to avoid trouble.
• Okay, so her reasons for saying America sucks is:
o People having sex she disapproves of.
o Gays being able to start their own families
o A lack of jingoism
o People using naughty words
o Unwed mothers
o My religion isn’t being forced on others
• Remember what I said about some people wanting fascism.
• Donald Trump is involved in at least five of the seven deadly sins for what that’s worth.
Which Udemy course are you using to learn piano? Thanks!