Episode #137 begins with a listener’s challenge to go an entire show without mentioning D*n*ld Tr*mp, and believe it or not, we succeeded! We then reveal a bit about a new project we will soon embark upon (hint: it’s pretty much the best gift idea, like, EVER). We talk a bit about the nature of our discussions IRL and how they differ from those on the air, as well as about the value of constantly second-guessing ourselves. After our break we delve into mutual examination mode, with Christian diagnosing Jason as having jealousy and anger issues, and Jason diagnosing Christian as disproportionately desiring certainty in relationships. We spend a few minutes talking about Milo Yiannopoulos and whether people like him are even worth engaging, after which we share our biebers (Christian’s is about retirement funds, while Jason’s is about overly-excited audiences).
Also, Christian finished a whole book for the first time in years, in a single day! You’ll never guess who the author was….
I think Jason should change religions every year. Next year go Muslim. Then Mormon. Cycle around until you get back to Ba’al.
Well, think of it this way, if you have a retirement account of 1.5 million dollars, and you die the day after your retirement, you can leave your kids $500,000 a piece and they can buy their own homes.
No way on the Mormon thing. Shudder….
Best episode in a while. Thanks for taking things back to classic DXP.
Thanks, Quinn. Yeah, as I said in the second half, I love when we get all up close and personal. Rawness is rad.
Retirement? He’s relying on his girlfriend and Christian for that. 8)