In this episode of Drunk Ex-Pastors, Jason and Christian “drunkenly blather on” about a couple of the podcast’s detractors who have quite clearly never listened to the show. They then tackle one of the more important and volatile topics of the day: the new Star Wars teaser trailer. A caller’s comments then launch them into a discussion about skepticism and miracles, and whether or not Jesus’ miracles can beat up Mohammed’s miracles (and whether or not that would make Christian be a Christian). After a voicemail from someone who is definitely not from England, they listen to another entertaining message from someone who doesn’t dislike the podcast a lot, which leads to a discussion about re-evaluating beliefs based on personal experience. Christian is biebered by insecure drivers and Jason is biebered by having more than one set of silverware.
Also, Christian throws up immediately following the podcast.
That guy that keeps hammering Jason has moved into the category of, “Methinks thou doth protest too much.”
Hey, he’s a “Protestant.” S’what they do. . . .
Touché. He gets an A for effort.
“S’what they do”? I guess this chart does work (“How Catholics see Reformed”). Then again, going by this it sounds like White as an evangelical has you pegged for Reformed. Still, the best part of this is how matching up the like rows and columns reveals rose-colored glasses.
Ha ha, Zrim! That chart is awesome.
Yeah, I get that. I just think it’s all very “convenient.” 🙂
And it’s frickin Bryce Beckham who played Wesley on Mr. Belvedere. How could I have forgotten that, honestly?
The Periodic Table of Swearing is the ideal tool for perfecting your filthy mouth whilst making it sound classy via British accent.
Testing. This thing on?
I love tiny houses! These podcasts are awesome. Hope Christian is feeling better…… just love listening to you guys!
Thanks, Kristi! And yeah, Tiny Houses rule….
I honestly like the first trilogy of Star Wars movies. Yeah, the dialogue is overdone and can be quite dumb, but there are some fantastic scenes in those movies. The podracing scene is probably my favorite Star Wars scene of all time. The fight choreography is really great, and who can forget about the greatness that is Darth Maul?
The Force is weak with this one. . . .
These are not the comments I’m looking for.
Ha ha ha. Nice!
Am I the only one who thinks that Revenge of the Sith is on par with the original trilogy? Also, James White doesn’t even speak to his own sister after she converted to Catholicism, but to be fair, I don’t think they had a good relationship when she was Reformed.